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View Full Version : Fed up (Ladies please)

12-07-10, 18:32
I know health anxiety can make you imagine things and make things seem worse than they are but good grief, this takes the biscuit. I am very sore and itchy down below and have been for a year. Was told I have excema, took meds, didn't help. Have two weird lumps that I asked my mum to check and she too says there is something there. Have asked several doctors to check and each says there is NOTHING wrong. What worries me is they don't feel the lumps I am on about and one doc in particular was actually biting her lip trying hard not to laugh as she was doing her thing. Both lumps really are sore - I have tried now steroid creams, emollients, washing more, washing less, using feminine wipes, a hot facecloth, sitting in a hot bath, trying to squeeze it, taking ibuprofen, taking thrush medicine, swabs taken for every infection possible, it can't be an STI... I have a high sex drive and after I relieve myself it always hurts more, but when I told aforementioned doctor this she laughed and said "you would be producing moisture anyway so you wouldn;t be hurting yourself unless intentionally". she also said what I am feeling is normal anatomy. Normal anatomy but it is so sore. My mam is fed up, I mention it pretty much everyday just to get someone to listen. Yes I have HA but I don't lie, I don't imagine things. I can't help worrying I have cancer or something and noone has realised. I wish someone would listen. What can I do? :wacko: The doctor thinks there is a hormone imbalance, could this be the cause? I have similar issues under my arm but those spots I can squeeze and stuff comes out. and they normally go away as soon as they come, my hormones are all over the place right now though and everything seems to be wrong. I'm so fed up and angry and miserable and sore and frustrated! Have literally covered the area in "liquid parrafin" I was given - uncomfy much!!!

12-07-10, 19:22
I am assuming that two doctors could not feel any lumps??? You and your mum could feel two lumps??

I developed a blocked moisture gland for want of a better word 18 months ago that gave me a tiny tiny hard round lump but it was a def lump and everyone could feel it even though it was tiny - subsequnetly it turned into an abcess which didn't drain properly and recently had another abcess that burst and this time I made sure it drained properly and took very stong antibiotics so fingers crossed.

I was told loads of women have these blocked glands and it is rare for them to turn into abcesses like mine did:huh: just my luck.

Are you unintenionally irritating youself when as you say you have a high sex drive - are you using any toys in that area or being a bit rough with yourself as this could make you constantly sore just same as too much actual sex can???

12-07-10, 19:25
Yeah well the last doctor seemed to feel something but she said she wasn't too sure but she thought it was normal.. But yes my mum and I can, it sounds like what you had.. I don't know I am, I think I might be but I'm not sure. If that is the case I need help with that too - with high sex drive issues - but I don't think anyone can give me that sort of help!!!

12-07-10, 19:52

Have you tried an antihisstamine when you start to itch as I find that helps.It sounds like it possibly could be glands. Have you tried using plenty of KY Jelly? I don't make any moisture at all in that area. Or if you really can just try not to touch that area for a few days as it sounds like you could be making matters worse.Give it time to heal.