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View Full Version : MS freakout now over leg troubles

12-07-10, 19:54
The leg that I have been haveing alot of trouble with I noticed is considerably thinner than the other one and there is noticelable muscle mass loss!Even my mum seen it :( I AM FREAKING OUT,I googled..and I'm terrified now I have neuro nerve damage,my leg was tinlging and stuff earlier I a so worried I need my leg cut off or my leg is just wasting away.

Someone please help me. This leg that I have had bother with has a shin hematioma that never fully healed after a year and I'm worried it's related and my head is just going crazy..and I'm terrified to go to hospital so I'm stuck. but my leg is def thinner and feels weaker! :weep: :weep:

12-07-10, 22:25
can anyone relate ? or provide a hug atleast? Sort of drowning in this right now :weep:

12-07-10, 22:30
Hi mee-wee sorry can't give any advice but please don't google, make an appointment with your doctor. Big hugs hope you get some reassurance soon, I know it's the worst not knowing. Take care. Ann