View Full Version : Facial numbness

12-07-10, 20:05
Hi i havent been on for a few months been managing the anxiety ok i suppose, but feel really fed up now, the right side of my face feels like it is numb from under my eye and my cheek area, even thou i have suffered and i mean suffered with anxiety for many years i still cant get my head around the physical symptoms it makes you have, then the unrational side takes over & i convince myself its something awful, please reply if you have had this it really does help, thanks

12-07-10, 21:57
Hey there,I am afraid I haven't had the numbness though I have felt odd sensations and pressure in my face and head,both not painful. Anxiety and the physical symptoms it can have is inbelievable and when you suffer more with HA anyways it's murder :( I am sorry you are going through this. It really is hell. Have you seen a doctor about it or anything ? x

12-07-10, 22:01
Hi - I suffer with numbness in the right side of my face, including strange sensations in the top of my head. I started seeing an osteopath and he worked on the muscles in my shoulders and right up into the base of the skull (he actually described my muscles as boulders, they were that hard and tight). Anyway after a couple of treatments the numbness started to subside - it now comes and goes if I leave it too long between treatments. Basically he said that there are nerve endings between the layers of muscles and that the muscles were that tight they were pinching on the nerves and causing the horrible sensations (also use to get slight heavy feeling in my arm). All the time I was convinced I was having a stroke - anyway it turns out its just the physical tension. Try a massage, it really may help - he also massages my jaw muscles and that has helped too. Hope it clears up for you. xx

13-07-10, 13:55
hi i know what you mean im having the same thing under my chin and down my face thought i had cancer or somin.went to the doctors he said classic anxiety its doing it now as i type but the more i relax or keep busy it goes way.you not alone on this one its really not nice but its anxiety you will be fine.xxxx

13-07-10, 13:58
Thanks for your replys, it really does help to know other people experience these symptoms, mind you i wouldn`t wish them on anyone, i think it is anxiety as when i`m busy like at work it doesn`t seem so bad, thanks again xx