View Full Version : Skin Cancer worry - Black mole

12-07-10, 20:43

I have been doing really really well with my anxiety and life was getting more enjoyable and i was living it the first time in several years....then bang!
Went to Gp for him to look at a large freckle on the palm of my hand which is growing and two new ones appearing, firstly he googled it and said thinks nothing just pigmentation.
Then asked if got anything more and showed him a black mole that i have had for several years on the top of my right foot. It is about 4mm all one colour, completely round and had no problems with it.
The GP said the colour and position caused concern so have to see plastic surgeon within 2 weeks.
Now I am completely overcome with anxiety i have googled, which i know i shouldnt and have convinced myself I have melenoma and will die in months !!!!
Does anyone have any experiences like this really scared and fed up as had just started to live life and plan ahead which has taken years !!!:scared11::scared11:

12-07-10, 20:56
I had a dodgy mole years ago-I saw a dermatologist for it-rather unsure why your doc is sending you to a plastic surgeon, also a gp that has to google symptoms raises concern, maybe you should speak to a seperate gp. The dermatologist told me if a mole to does not change size or colour and you have no problems with it then it is more than likely fine. Like I say I do think maybe you should either ask your gp why they are sending you to a plastic surgeon or see a different doctor. I know this probably hasn't helped you just dont like the plastic surgeon part.

12-07-10, 21:08
I agree with Davy. I too had a dodgy mole. Then I turned the whole situation around and convinced myself I had Melanoma. Then the story begins....... HA started. Your GP should of sent you to a Dermatologist rather than a plastic surgeon? And the fact it's symetrical, not raised etc I don't think you have anything to worry about sweet. Go back to doc and get re referred to a Dermatologist. But please, try not to worry. You have no signs or symptoms of Melanoma. Your GP shouldn't have had to google moles! Ring the surgery tomorrow. Keep us posted. Try not to worry (easier said than done) you're all int prayers...

Neen xx

12-07-10, 21:19
thank you all for your words i think will book another appointment to see the other gp (only 2 at surgery)
The mole is raised slightly but always has been.

12-07-10, 21:46
I second what Davey says..my doctor tells ME not to google so the fact your doctor is doing the googling would make me uneasy..and I have no idea what a plastic surgeon has anything to do with moles,skin etc..I got referred to a dermatologist for mine because it was an irregular shape..and yep I was freaking out and eventually convinced myself it had spread to my breast and I was dying. :( I sound like the voice of reason here I'm not,I'm pretty worked up myself but I think you are def doing the right thing by seeing another doctor..that one sounds a bit weird xxx

13-07-10, 16:48

Just to add, its part of the NHS 2 week wait rule for patients to be seen by a qualified plastic surgeon, who knows what they are looking for. It is standard procedure whether or not its melanoma. I was referred under the two week wait rule and was clear.

I am also a Practice Manager at a GP surgery so am familiar with referral guidelines

I hope it all goes OK for you

Big love


13-07-10, 16:49
Oh and Dermatology referrals are a mare to go through, the likely hood is you will be seen quickly, it will be removed quickly, thus reducing the anxiety.

trust your doctor on this one

18-07-10, 15:51
Thank you all very much,,,,my appointment is on Tues so gradually working myself up !!! Trying desperatley to distract myself but feel as though I am in a bubble with head presure, forgetfullnes and palps....looks like even though I am trying sub-consciously my anxiety is winning!
Will keep you all posted...