View Full Version : to much

12-07-10, 23:10
HI all , just been told by the doctor today i have servear depression .I have been put on 20mg a day to start with plus concealing, but i still have to go to work , is 20mgs too much ,i did try 30mgs about 10 months ago with disastrous results

12-07-10, 23:16
30 mg is a high dose to be starting with. Some only start with 10 mg, so even 20 mg will be tough going for a couple of weeks. The key is understanding the side effects that you are going to experience. You have to be willing to endure the side effects for a period of time to realize the benefits of the medication. You are taking the right the step, you have to be ready for the journey. I personally started with 20 mg, and after 3 weeks, the side effects are starting to fade. The time of day you take the medication is a bit of an experiement as well, so see what works best for you - morning, afternoon, night?

12-07-10, 23:47
Thanks for replying northernlight, i need help with this because i also have diazipam ,can i take this as well, 5mg tabs ,the problem is my wife left me and i have my 16 year old son with me , he is my life and all i live for ,and at the weekend two 40 year old men threatened to give him a good hiding for making to much noise on his scooter which he was not it was sum one els .and i totally lost control witch is not me .i went to my house and got a crowbar and went to find them ,thank god i didn't. i would never have dreamed i would do some thing like this. i just could not keep going if any thing happend to him , sorry for rambling :wacko: Will the citalopram help with the anger ,and will it be ok to take the diazipam as well :shrug:

13-07-10, 00:11
Many people take diazepam alongside their SSRI in the beginning to help with the side effects, so that shouldn't be an issue, and should help take the edge off for you.

Kids are definitely sufficient as motivation to keep going, and I can certainly understand your feelings towards your son. As for the anger, that's likely a result of the depression, and will subside as the citalopram takes effect.

Ramble all you like, that's what this forum is for :). Starting a new medication can be scary; heck, I am fairly new to this as well, so we're in this together Chris.

13-07-10, 00:26
Hi there,

My doc prescribed 20mg for severe depression but after taking one I then cut back to 10, eased up to 15 and then to 20 over a period of two weeks and that seemed to work better for me. I was functioning much better even on 10mg initially. I think as long as you stick to the same dose for a while before upping or downing then you should be okay. You could maybe try 20mg for a weekend (assuming you work M-F) and if you think it's too much you could maybe discuss this with your doc again and start lower.

I've lost count now but I think I'm into my 2nd week on 20mg and I'm feeling so much better.

Yvonne :)

13-07-10, 00:28
Thanks Northernlight :) Hope every thing goes well for you ,take care:flowers:

13-07-10, 00:40
Hi Yvonne , just taken first 20mg see how it goes , yes i do work m-f but have been able to take this week off so if i need to cut down should find out this week. Thank you for replying take care:flowers:

13-07-10, 02:07
how you feeling so far chris?

13-07-10, 07:20
Hi Chris,

I only ever started on 10mg due to the side effects of cit when initailly taking it...hopefully the diazapam will help with that...but if it feel too much you can always drop down to 10mg and increase later....see how it goes.

Let us know how you get on.

Take care

13-07-10, 21:18
HI northernlight woke up this morning feeling very tired about 7.30, but have kept my self very busy all day. I know its early days but from what i can remember from when i was on 30mg ,20mg seems alot better for me but will have a better i idea in a few days . I must admit that i have taken two diazipam but only half tablets , dont want to rely on them.HI jo yes i think you are right diazipam does take the edge off but i really dont want to rely on them, so apart from a head ache all day and feeling tired not too bad. just have to see how the counseling goes on Thursday :ohmy: