View Full Version : What happens when you visit your GP for the first time?

12-07-10, 23:30
Hi guys.

I'm Jamie,20 from Scotland.

I am showing symptoms of Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia.
I haven't left my home in about a month now.
I have no friends or social life.

I get really anxious when i have to go outside. Even just for 5 minutes to collect the washing from drying.

I fear that people will judge me and think i am ugly or weird.

There are so many things that make me anxious.
And sitting here now in my home writing this i don't feel anxious at all.

That is why i haven't dealt with my problems.
Because i have shut myself up indoors, where the anxiety vanishes.

But i am 20, no job, no money, no friends....
And i know things can't go on like this anymore.

So tomorrow i am going to make an appointment with my GP.
Obviously i am going to be really anxious about leaving the house to go the doctors. I will need to plan what i am going to wear, How i will get there and get home. I usually take a taxi as public transport makes me anxious.

I just want to know....
What will happen when i see my GP.

What are other peoples experiences when they seeked help for the first time?

What do i say to my GP without getting embarrased?

What will they offer me.

I welcome any info and advice.


12-07-10, 23:57
HI jamie , Just tell the doctor how you feel they will understand what you are going through . take care jamie , :welcome:

12-07-10, 23:58
Hi jamie..well done on takeing your 1st step to get better by makeing appointment for gp. Well the 1st thing i will say is that there is nothing atall to be embarresed about ,your gp will see many patients each wk suffering with anxiety,your gp will just listen to you then he will give you options on different way to help you ,ie counciling or cbt (cognetive behavouirl therepy) which helps lots by learning us to change the way we think ie to be more posotive,there is lots of different things they can do to help, and u have done the best thing by going telling gp so u can start to get better. hope you feel well sone x