View Full Version : Heart Murmur

13-07-10, 11:47
I was born with a heart murmur. I've been told that it won't cause me any problems until I'm in my 60's (I'm now 36) Up until recently I've hardly thought about the murmur but just recently I've developed a huge amount of anxiety over it. I don't usually suffer with health anxiety. I suffer from social and general anxiety. My social anxiety gives me palpatations on a regular basis and I'm now convinced that all this extra 'usage' of my heart is going to somehow increase the risk of the murmur causing me problems earlier in life (like TODAY!!lol) I can't talk to my GP or my psychiatrist or my therapist about my health anxiety as I have so many other anxiety related problems that I'm dealing with and I don't want to come across as a hyporcondriac.