View Full Version : Is this just panic?

13-07-10, 14:22
Yesterday I had a huge panic attack where I really hyperventilated to the point where I could hardly see and my arms and legs were tingling and really heavy. Lasted about 30 mins.

Today I feel awful, really tired and weak and my muscles ache and I feel like I have the flu. Is this just the aftereffects of the attack? How does everyone else feel when they've been panicking?

13-07-10, 14:51
I've had panic attacks that have left me feeling awful for hours afterwards. It sounds as if your attack was quite severe and I'm sure it would take you a while to get over it. I hope you start to feel better soon.

13-07-10, 17:07
my first panic attack was huge like yours, its been over 6 months and im still left here with all the symptoms in the book. i basically die everyday according to my symptoms. i hate my life.

13-07-10, 20:17
Well this happened yesterday and I felt bad the day after which is unusual. I usually feel tired straight away. But I haven't had anything quite so severe in a very long time so it's difficult to remember.