View Full Version : Shout shout let it all out

13-07-10, 14:46
I'm sat here at work with this horrible icey tingly thing running through my body been like this all day! I just want to SHOUT and SWEAR at the top of my voice just to release some of my frustration! Every swear word possible would come flying out if my boss gave me the ok!

13-07-10, 14:48
if you feel like shouting why dont you take a breack go outide then go for it

13-07-10, 16:21
I work in the middle of town ha

13-07-10, 16:40
at least made you smile:D

13-07-10, 17:17
Oh dear it must be that sort of day... i had a wobbly at work too..hee hee 'cept I did react ...oops x

13-07-10, 17:36
shouting out loud does help. i swear at myself out loud too! gets me a few funny looks, but it tells my anxiety where to go! lol x

13-07-10, 19:44
I came home I shouted and swore llike crazy into a pillow made me laugh and helped! Another anxiety reliever is sneezing those few seconds after a sneeze feel great ha

13-07-10, 20:01
i dont think i can sneeze on demand! im going to be trying for the rest of the night now though lol