View Full Version : Had a rough patch...

14-07-10, 03:50
Hey, everybody! :)

A little while back I was started to have every day panic attacks and high anxiety. Every single day. I was on 20mg Citalopram and in my dumb overactive mind started piecing together that it was the Citalopram doing this. So I stopped taking the medicine cold turkey. Well that was a horrible mistake and I went through a metric crapton of symptons. Derealization or whatever it's called was the worst one. Scared me to death. And sicne I had no idea what was going on, not thinking about the side effects of quitting my medicine, it lead to these dumb thoughts like what if none of this is real? What if no one's real? I was so scared of this thought.

Well I'm back on my medication and most of that has calmed down but that question - that idea - still gives me high anxiety. I just want to forget I ever thought it and go on with how my life use to be but whenever things calm down for a while or if I'm having a good time the thought will pop back into my head like an unwanted guest.

I have no idea what I can do to cope and get over it.

Sometimes, like now, I'll just be all, eh it's just a stupid thought and go on. But other times it really just hits at me over and over and I can't shake it.

25-07-10, 07:23

25-07-10, 14:10
I think people who aren't even anxious ask themselves questions about life, the universe, how did it all start. I just think that anxious people get more panicky about it. Try to relax and know that this is not dangerous. Like I said, I am sure everyone has thought about life before. They just don't get panicky about it.

25-07-10, 14:33
hi i totally know where your coming from i to feel like this with thoughts like yours.I cut my seroxat down 4 months ago to 10mg hit rock bottom back on 20mg now have been for a week.just hope they kick in soon

26-07-10, 00:19
It's good I'm not the only one who's ever thought these things. It's so hard to not let it bother me. I'll be fine some hours. Usually, though, after I wake up its always the worst.

It's so very difficult not to let it bother me.