View Full Version : Worries hard to shake.

14-07-10, 03:57
I think this should go hear and if not, please forgive me.

I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac. I understand that. I know it. I just can't shake some things.

Some of my biggest worries are having several mental issues. Like schizophrenia. Or going absolutely crazy. They tend to set me off a lot.

See, I'll keep on asking myself questions like "what if I do have schizophrenia..." and that'll lead me off the deep end into a panic attack.

See, I've heard it ran in families and my uncle on my mothers side has it. I think my mother may have it too but she was never diagnosed so maybe not.

Its just the very idea, the thought, of something being terribly wrong with me - mentally - it drives me off the deep end.

Is there any way to cope with this?

14-07-10, 08:25
Have you discussed your fears with your Doctor??? Your doctor could send you for an assessment if you don't mind this being on your health record and this might help your fears or ask for CBT therapy.

You have health anxiety we all fear different things are wrong with us health wise yours just happen to be mental rather than physical.

14-07-10, 21:39
I've never talked about it with a a doctor. It's a good idea. I'll probably do that.

14-07-10, 22:24
how old are you if you dont mind me asking?

15-07-10, 22:31

15-07-10, 22:55
i think schizophrenia would have surfaced by now,but the fact you worry about having tells me you dont.i have schizophrenic friends and they dont have a clue anything is wrong,so i think youre safe.:D

22-07-10, 07:08
That's really reassuring, man. Like really reassuring. Thank you.

22-07-10, 07:14
I agree - the first sign if something wrong with you when you do not admit something, that is obvious for others. And you think that you have it, and you were not disgnosed, then relax.

I dont know if there any illness I havnt thought I have for the past 5 years...