View Full Version : mr negative vs mrs postive

14-07-10, 10:15
just wondering if there is more of me out there i ave sufferd anxiety panic and agraphobia since i was 12yrs old and now 54 there as been times when its liffted never gone but lifted i no i am a very negative person as if you all tell me some thing negative it sticks in my mind and never lets go then you can all tell me some thing postive it goes in and a minute later she as left i wish she could bully mr negative and win but weak minded i guessi just wonded if other find it hard to let go of negative thought and cant hang on to potive ones why is it so hard for anxiety suffers to do any way hope you all mange a good day takes care trish x

14-07-10, 13:22
You sound pretty much like me. Negative, negative, negative. If something bad can happen, it will; good things are rare and soon forgotten. I'd like to be a positive, seize the day kind of person but I'm afraid at my age I just don't see it happening. I'm trying CBT at the moment but I'm afraid the negative side of me is just so strong that it can't be effectively argued with. I find myself wishing I could just press the fast forward and skip the next 20 years. That way I'll either be dead or too old to care about the things I worry about now. Sorry to sound so negative and sorry I've got nothing to offer but you're not alone.

jude uk
14-07-10, 16:12
We can change our thinking because nothing is writtin in stone. Most people that have suffered from anxiety etc can have a negative outlook because they have lived with the day to day bashing of their anxiety but in a sense they have come to accept that this is all life has to offer but on their good days they can see that there is more to their life. Yes it means working on it and changing their outlook(easy to say but hard to do)

If we are to reclaim our life back we must take the steps to do so.

Sore head we take a pain killer

Toothache we go to dentist

not as easy when we have agoraphobia etc but we need to plan our day no matter how bad we feel.
Plan doing something that we enjoy and see it as a positive step. It does not have to mean climbing mount everest its the small steps that get us to our goal.

14-07-10, 23:52
thnkyou for your replys i guess when you ave been this way for so long itsa hard habbitte to quit but your right any small step to feelin better is welcomed and yeah i to some times think one day i will be tol old to care scarey thought for me as i dont feel i ave lived yet being this way for so long but i live in hope thanks again xxx

15-07-10, 03:12
I SOOOOOO know what you mean ! I always retain the negative far longer than I retain the positive.

Lately I've been trying to balance the amount of time I spend ruminating in the negative by ruminating in the positive for the same amount of time.

I don't know what else to do !