View Full Version : Ive tried to be rational but........

Carly Lou
14-07-10, 12:22
Well, ive posted a few threads on here, ranging from various health anxiety issues, ibs, cancer, brain tumours... you name it, its all here... Now for the past couple of months i would say i have been feeling relativley fine.... then bang, i woke up one day with a sharp pain in my head, always to one side, would sometimes turn into a headache.... Now its been maybe 2 weeks and i have right sided ear pain and this horrid stabbing pain, im trying to be rational and think maybe i have a ear infection... and that it will clear up when reading... but the non rational side of me has gone into the thought of BRAIN TUMOUR, ANUERYSM, HEAMORRAGE... you name it ive thought of it, i dont need to google it, i have done all of that before and have set myself off in terrible panic attacks, one resulted in calling the ambulance, :weep:
i havent had a panic attack since may and that was all due to worrying on our flight home from spain we were going to die... and spent the whole night having a panic attack, it was the worse one yet...
i cant help but think i have something wrong in my head and im just all of a sudden going to die... i keep thinking im going to die whilst im home with my son.. and he is nearly 2, and no one will be here and he will be on his own and it is frightening me litterally ( to death)
i dont know what to do, im having cbt which did help, but when i get symptoms of something, i believe it is the worse and im on my way out,
surely this is no way to live, esp when i have been feeling fine for a few months :weep:
A very scared 25 year old xxxxxxxxxxxx

14-07-10, 13:08
Please don't worry I'm feeling the same way and this morning almost kept my little boy off school as I didn't think I could get him there. I forced myself to take him and when I got home started thinking the worst and nearly ending up in full blown panic.
Mine is all on the right side and seems centered around the right ear which feels full and I keep needing to blow & pop it. I'm getting headaches on the right with stiff neck and shoulder followed by numbness and weakness down the right side of head & body. Doc says ear related but I'm just refusing to believe it after stupidly googling some horrible stuff.
I've spent the rest of the morning trying to relax and read my Claire Weekes book and I have to say the feelings are still there but not as strong so please do the same and take care.

14-07-10, 14:46
If it's any consolation, I suffer quite badly with HA, but can also have anxiety attacks for other reasons. I'm having issues with being harassed at work and had a horrendous anxiety attack on Friday evening, which took a couple of hours to subside properly and to be honest, I'm still feeling twitchy now as I know the work situation is going to get much, much worse in the next couple of weeks as I'm challenging the harassers. It's not nice. :weep:

14-07-10, 19:30
I just found this and thought I'd comment.

I have had this exact same thing and thought the same as you, but mine was the left side. One day I woke with stabbing pain just above my left ear towards my temple and got myself into a bit of a tizz about it. I felt really dizzy as well but only on the one side. Convinced myself I was having a stroke, especially when I got a little tingling on my face too.

Anyway it has happened a couple of times since and I have had PA with it as it has scared me.

Deep down I know it is nothing and I Dr googled one sided headache which said that you can actually get a tension headache on the one side. So this is most likely what it is.

15-07-10, 09:31
stick with the cbt. i was much like you with health anxiety. since i had cbt, my HA has never come back. Or, atleast I know how to control it to the point it no longer effects me.

15-07-10, 09:59
Just like me..... my worries are triggered by the fact that I am at home alone a lot with my 2 year old little girl..... what would happen if I fainted? what would happen if I collapsed? etc etc etc.
The 'illness' we imagine is not the real issue.... it could change on a regular basis and most probably does, the thing we need to tackle is the underlying cause of why we feel so vulnerable.
Motherood is a massive responsibility, and it is a huge thing to think that these small people rely on us.... if you are at a bit of a weak point anyway the responsibilty can escalate out of all control.
Looking back, I remember having a few fleeting thoughts of 'what if something happened to me?' 'what if I die in the night?'. Didnt read much into it, but a recent health scare as triggered all of this madness to become out of control.
We must try to be rational.... how long have you felt like this? If something serious was going on, Im pretty sure we would know about it by now. We need to break the worry cycle and learn to enjoy life again.... our babies give so much pleasure, if we could stop the worrying for a little while and enjoy them a little more then maybe we would feel a little better. So, positive thinking! When a fear pops into your mind, counteract it and answer back with a rational thought. Be brave, be strong, dont let the fear beat you.
This is just my way of thinking - I know how hard it is, but its what I am trying to do. I hope it maybe helps you a little - hugs to you from me, its a horrible thing to be going through and you are not alone xxx