View Full Version : Now wet feeling on leg - seriously people, what is going on?

14-07-10, 13:52
So I have had these shooting sensations going along a nerve in my leg and into my middle toes, and a kind of tingling feeling. I have been freaking out about MS or some kind of tumour, then this morning, I got this feeling in my RIGHT leg (the opposite one to where the other staff has been happening) like I had wet inside my trousers. I was out withmy daughter at playgroup at the time, I was relaxed and wa not thinking abouy MS, it just came out of nowhere. At first I thought somehow that my trousers must have got wet on the inside, but they were totally dry! I had the same thing happen at the top of my right thigh a couple of weeks back, it felt like I had a cold coin or something pressing against my inside thigh. I just can;t see how these symptoms can be anything other than neurological. I feel like a crappy mum because I love my daughter so much but when I am with her UI don't enjoy her becasue all I think about is how I won't be there for her growing up and how I am going to be ill for her whole life, or even worse not around at all. I have the doctor's on Monday but I know he won't be able to tell anything just from listening to my symptoms, I don't even know if he will agree to send me for an MRI and if he does it could take months, not sure I can go on like this for months, I am going out of my mind. Thanks for reading.

14-07-10, 14:41
I have had a similar sensation to this, but i am pleased you are going to doctors for some peace of mind.

I feel the same, i am constantly worrying about my health and whats wrong with me as i get so many symptoms. I have the same worries re my daughter as you do.

Its hard, big hugs x

sarah x

14-07-10, 16:11
28 yrs ago I had very weird sensations in my left leg- started after I had sat in a cold wind and bare legs. It started with a humming sensation in centre of leg like someone hitting a tuning fork every few seconds- then I had a feeling as if someone had thrown ice cold water down side of my calf or I had stepped in ice cold puddle with my heel.

I was terrified as it went on for 3 montsh every single day and was convinced it was ms or brain tumour. I saw a neurologist who specialised in ms and even though they didn't have imaging like they do now he examined me and said nothing to do with your brain you have irritated the nerve in your leg anything from back problem to the cold wind on my bare legs.

I had it solid for 5 months before it went away but this was over 28 yrs ago and it was nothing serious.

Rachel W
14-07-10, 23:21
I have had the same feelings. I began worrying about MS due to some eye distortion and once I started worrying I got twitches and began worrying about ALS. Once I started worrying about these things I got every sensation under the sun, including what you describe.

I would be walking and it would feel as if someone was pouring liquid down my leg, and it is the whole leg, like a bucket full, not just a little trickling. I have been to a neurologist, had all the major tests (he did them because I was worried, not because he thought I had anything).

It is amazing what anxiety can do to the body. I am sure that you are fine, and if anything it would just be pressure on a nerve due to posture or something. But I am sure that it is just anxiety.