View Full Version : i dont understand why??

14-07-10, 16:54
ive just got home from seeing my bf in bristol. i had my worst anxiety attack there about 7 weeks ago and am now in therapy trying to sort it. for a few days i had been feeling the best id ever felt! i really saw myself moving forward. i had even been excited about going however when i got there i starting going downhill fast. and it spiraled out of control.my bf had moved into a new house so i knew the environment would be strange but at some point that evening i lost it!.. my face burnt up, my ears, my chest, i was so terrified, nothing made sense. i cant work out what happened.i hadnt had an attack for so long. id done so well even getting there.
i thought that it may have triggered memories, i used to do drugs with my bf and his friends he lives with still do it. i couldnt bare that. i felt unsafe and trapped. im worried ill never go back...!
i did stick it out though. the last two days have been almost a blur.!! please, can anyone give me any advice? i want my life back and i need to be ok with that environment for the sake of my relationship..xx

15-07-10, 17:48
thak you for your reply. i will certainly be staying away from any sort of drug. i still think that my fear...my past!!! being around ppl that still do it. but im going back soon. im not giving up.! :)x