View Full Version : Feeling scared...

14-07-10, 17:54
Hey, i've been a long term sufferer of panic attacks for 5 years now! They come and go in different forms. Went on Citalopram 10g for a year and have been on and off Propanolol for 5 years. Came off the Citalopram after over a year, felt better for 3 months didn't take any meds, then all of a sudden started having panic's again so went back on both forms of medication and they have come back so bad over the past 3 weeks that i've had to come off them!

I feel a lot better since i stopped taken then but am so confused why the medication didn't work second time round as first time it was a dream and i had a slightly normal life for a year! Any one else experienced this or have any advice? I'm going out of my mind, i am so scared as i can have about 10 - 15 panics a day and its hard work trying to keep a full time job and a boyfriend. I am so scared.



14-07-10, 18:12
Hi, Id just like to say I think you are doing very well to manage to work full-time and have a boyfriend while having all these attacks!! Well done!!

14-07-10, 18:13
Hi, Perhaps go back to your doctor to see if they are able to give you some more suitable medications to control the panic attacks.

Therapy may also help.

14-07-10, 18:29
Must admit, sometimes I wonder if the medications actually do a great deal and the mind just cures itself..... the human body is remarkably effective at sorting out problems and I wonder if the medications sometimes hinder things with the various side effects...... God knows.... I'm no doctor!! Perhaps you just got better the first time naturally and the citalapram was not a contributory factor...... hopefully, the same thing will happen again and you'll shortly be well on the mend.

Kerry B
14-07-10, 21:03
Maybe you may need to Increase to dosage this time round?

15-07-10, 14:51
Hey Fran.
Same thing happened to me. I have been on meds in the past on and off after having PND with the birth of my daughter 10 yrs ago! Last year i had a break down and tried 5 different anti-anxiety drugs and none worked, in fact i got a whole lot worse. So i was left to recover and find a cure med free. I did succeed however and learnt so much in the process. Something i would have never had the opportunity to do while medicated. I certainly have my ups and downs but with the books and experiences i have been through this past year there could never be a full going back under normal circumstances.
I have heard that after being on and off of meds over a period of time that the body can learn to metabolise them making them useless. BUT, please give it more time, you may find that it just isn't the right one or that you are still adjusting :)