View Full Version : omg please someone reply!!!!!!

becks xxx
14-07-10, 18:44
it was my first day back at skl today, i was reallyyyy anxious which resulted in me being sick (was yesterday too involving another situtation)
around lunchtime, when i was taking deep breaths in i got a pain at the bottom of my neck/throat
now the pains in my chest too. but only when i take deep breaths
so i cant even do deep breathing to calm myself down!!!!! my mum says it's just where ive tensed myself up so much.......
is this anxiety or not ?!!!?!?!

14-07-10, 18:58
try to stay calm it sounds like panic attack,,, try this cover your mouth and one nostril breath deep for a min, keep your nosril and mouth closed just breath up the one nostril it works and you will feel better

Carly Lou
14-07-10, 19:15
Hey poppet, why am i saying poppet im only 25, i had one tosay, a tiny one, and i had to tell myself over and over again that i was not going to get it get into a full blown panic attack, i had mine simply because i am nervous about a friend coming over that i havent seen for a long time..... i felt awful, sick, weak, light headed, and i also get the pain in my chest and i think im going to have a heart attack, i know this sounds silly, but when i feel im going to have one i think of something happy, in my case it is thinking of when i was young and playing with my little pony toys,...... for some reason it always helps xxx

jude uk
14-07-10, 20:09
sounds very much like anxiety. The best thing is to distract yourself and as the people above have said breathe in out in out slow it down. you will be super fine

14-07-10, 20:44
Pains in the chest is very common with anxiety and will not kill you. Chest pain for most people will make them more anxious and paranoid. Try not to think into things too much and go with the flow. Easy said than done, but good luck :)