View Full Version : New

14-07-10, 18:52
Hello all, not sure where to start...my name is Jeannie i have suffered from agrophobia/panic attacks/ anxiety for over 25 years, virtually housebound
i am or was able to go out as long as i am with someone i know and trust implicity, sadly that changed 2 years ago hence the "was able" my daughter moved 60 miles away 6 weeks later my partner left, it was very very difficult for me when my daughter moved as i missed her so much and was used to seeing her all the time then when my partner left he took the rest of my life with him..i have never felt so alone and lonely in my life, i dont have a life, i merely exist, i have my girl ( my dog ) and i know if it were not for here i would not be here.

The situation was made worse as my ex kept coming back into my life
for a year playing with my feelings and emotions which caused my
depression to worsen a thousand fold which lead to my being suicidal
and as i was so stressed with all of this it lead to my having non-organic seziures, people keep telling me it will be okay, but i personally cannot
see the light at the end of the tunnel, and there are so many times i feel 'if this is my life now i do not want it" i do not want to just exist i just want some semblance of my life back but i am lost as to how to do this..

14-07-10, 18:53
Hi Angua

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-07-10, 22:26
Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

19-07-10, 20:35
Hi Jeannie! :welcome:

I joined up not long ago too!, I look forward to hearing more from you, and I hope you find some solace from someone in this community. As for me, I will try my best. :bighug1:

Yours truly,

Vanilla Sky
19-07-10, 22:50
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Ruby Tuesday
20-07-10, 07:19

I am a newbie too.

I hope that posting on here will help you feel less alone :hugs:

20-07-10, 09:31
I feel a bit alone now too, as not many people are interested in my small set back. Especially my husband, it makes him angry. Kids are away for summer so its hard to keep busy above from at work place.

It helps me allot exchange messages with people here when I feel totally alone with my feelings.
When I read other peoples views - I find more peace and understand more. I have more answers to Why why why. You can also find people with much worse predispositions in life then you think you are in, and this way you are forced to say to yourself - hmm - its actually not that bad, it could be worse... and see the goodness and appreciate the things around.

20-07-10, 10:49
Hi Angua,
I'm new to the site too and suffer with agrophobia. I'm making slow progress and am hoping I can find support and help here too. Hope to speak with you soon.