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14-07-10, 19:34
hi all

just a post look for a bit of support from others who may have gone through this. i lost my dad on Monday night and it is very hard emotion to handle, well there is a mix of emotions to be honest. i know there is no text book way of handling this, but just to hear other peoples stories will help me and give me strength.

thank you.

14-07-10, 19:55
I'm very sorry to hear you lost your Dad you're totally right there's no set way of dealing with grief everyone is very different in their responses.
My Uncle died suddenly when he was only 49 a year and a half ago and my Grandma was devastated to lose her son who she was extremely close to, she took it the hardest out of our family and so we did some research into things she could read etc
there's a great website on grief called 'the compassionate friends' and there are a lot of books out there on grief so I do recommend getting down to your library. These books are invaluable because they give often people's experience of how they've coped but also practical tools and the stages of grief so what to expect.
I wish you every comfort and support at this difficult time

14-07-10, 20:04
HI saintdee , So sorry to hear of your sad loss , i lost my dad 6 year ago and i still miss him every day. BUT to be honest he suffered for so long that when he did pass-away i felt a big relief that he was at peace . THINKING OF YOU take care

14-07-10, 20:20
Im so sorry to hear your sad news you must be feeling really numb at the moment. I lost my Mum 2 months ago and although we knew 2 1/2 years ago that it would happen it was still one hell of a shock.

Don't be too hard on yourself , you will have good days you will have bad days. We all grieve differently so dont compare yourself to other people just do what feel rights for you.

Our vicar said grief is like the sea. You will get overwhelmed at times by huge waves but they do get smaller and calmer.

Take care
Julie :hugs:

14-07-10, 22:20
we all have a inner strengh in us which gets us trough sad times just go with how you feel . its early for you to beleave the pain will go my thought. are with you and your family.:hugs: shaka x

15-07-10, 02:51
I lost my father nearly 5 years ago. He was not just my father but my closest friend too who understood me like no other. It was the most heartbreaking event I've ever experienced watching him suffer and not being able to do anything other than support my mother whenever she called for help.

Last December I lost my "best friend"...my dog after having him for nearly 13 years. I think the crack in my heart widened.

Now my mother is also suffering from an illness they can't cure so in the back of my mind I know it could all happen again.

Now I'm left with my wife and my mother who both need daily monitoring and care of some form.....and me? I have the people on this forum to help me keep going.

It never gets any easier and they say time heals. Maybe we just learn to live with loss but I'm not so sure we ever fully heal because their void can never be totally filled by anyone else...although hugs certainly help.....if you have anyone willing to give them.

I'm sure I know how you're feeling and my heart goes out to you. You will get through this. It just takes time.:hugs:

15-07-10, 11:18
thank you all so very much.

i am also very sorry for your losses. but just knowing other people are out there is a form of comfort.