View Full Version : So Tired Of Feeling Dizzy...

14-07-10, 20:35
I more or less feel dizzy 24/7, it's getting very frustrating now. When I walk I feel off balance, sometimes if I bend over and get up again I feel like my heads spins for a few seconds, if I just stand there I feel like I'm swaying. I get lightheaded and sometimes my vision goes blurry. I've been to the doctor, had all the tests he thought necessary they all came back fine but what now? I just have to put up with it? I know anxiety can be related to dizziness but honestly most of the time it happens I don't feel anxious. I seem to get anxious when it happens as I can't stand feeling unstable and weak. I honestly don't know what to do, I can't see my GP again as he's done all he can do, so I'm left feeling awful and no explanation. Ugh! :lac:

He asked me if I thought it was anxiety related, I said no as surely I would be anxious then get dizzy, not the other way around, right?

14-07-10, 20:48
I'm the same & as far as i know, it is anxiety. When I'm making progress it does get better, when I'm going through a tough time, like now, it is there all the time even when I don't feel anxious. Try to ignore it (easier said than done, I know) because the more you focus on it, the worse it can feel. It will fade eventually, but it will take time.

Kerry B
14-07-10, 21:12
Hi Ella I am exactely the same as you dizzy 24/7 as have seen 4 doctors who all say its Anxiety but even when I am not anxious it comes its really scares every single time.

Kirsty its nice to reading it does get better I just cannot see it at the moment

14-07-10, 21:16
Hi Ella, I am exactly the same, I am constantly lightheaded, off balance or dizzy. I can't stand still or I sway, it makes it difficult to walk and scares the life out if me. I to have had loads if test and all cane back normal. I am the same where as I don't feel anxious but still have these symptoms, I think a lot of mine is muscle tension as I can't realx. It is scary and causes concern because it's everyday but your not alone in this.
Take care Ann

14-07-10, 22:40
I know you have been checked over by dr and it probably is anxiety related however I suffer from Labyrinthitis which effects the inner ear and your balance making you feel really dizzy alot of the time? I hate dr google and wouldn't usually recommend it but if you take a look at the symptoms it might explain how your feeling or rule it out? It's not anything to really worry about just really annoying! It's like vertigo, I take betahistamine when it's really bad, they're pills 4 vertigo.
Hope you feel better soon x

14-07-10, 22:45
I was like this CONSTANTLY. I have got an inner ear problem which is being sorted via ENT but it is almost defiitely anxiety related. When i had days where my anxiety was through the roof, i couldhardly stand and felt like i was moving when i wasnt, horrible feeling. Still get it now but very rarely, its strange coz the only time i dont get it atall is when im driving. Now i think that if it WAS health related (like disease or whatever) then it wouldnt JUST happen when im not driving would it. Same as the twitches i used to get, they only happened when i was resting, sat down, in bed, etc...NEVER when i was busy... Try to realise that u dont have to feel anxious for the symptoms to occur. I argued this with my therapist for SO LONG, and finally accepted that it is ALL SUBCONCIOUS. Everyone thinks we have one mind. But we dont, we have our mind that we are aware of and the mind we are not.

You could, for example, see something on the tv like a cancer advert, that would normally make u feel a bit anxious, but u dont notice that ur anxious about it as ur busy or whatever.. but ur subconcious mind has taken note of it, and then later on, for example, u walk into a pub and theres a tv on.. then thats when ur subconcious mind kicks in relating it back to that cancer advert, its basically automatically sending ur adrenalin levels higher even if u didnt notice there was a tv in there! Its very hard to explain, lol, but my therapist was amazing and taught me soooo much about the subconcious mind. Watch a bit of Derren Brown!

Try not to worry that this is something serious. Uve had all the tests u need, and all clear, so u dont need to worry hun u really, really dont. Get some anti-dizziness tablets. And maybe ask about CBT like what i had, and maybe some meds for anxiety. ALL of that helped me with my recovery.

Good luck xxx

14-07-10, 22:47
read up on chronic fatigue x