View Full Version : never felt like this before

19-02-06, 11:07

i have said this is a new pain before but really yhis time the chest pain feels out of the blue. i feel breathless ans sweatie. i never have these symptoms together. i also feela bit flu like and i was wondering does that be a common feature if i am coming down with something
i keep saying i will go to the hospital or else i will sit here and die, but i soooooooo dont want to die, this feeling is so new and freaky

19-02-06, 11:24
Hi Jackie,

Just to ressure you, I often feel breathless and sweaty when panicking. I find I hold my breath a lot subconsiously and when you suddenly realise you are doing this it makes you feel breathless and get chest pains.

However, it might also mean you are coming down with a cold or such like. BUT, one thing I don't reckon will happen, is that you will sit there and die. It's your anxiety speaking and the more you worry about it the worse it will become.

Try and get up and do something even if it's only some vigorous floor mopping, anything to try to take your mind off how you are feeling.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

19-02-06, 11:56
I have had symptoms like this out of the blue before and I hvae been terrified but they can be caused by panic and anxiety.

Try and distract yourself by having a bath or phoning a friend and see if it eases a bit. I know it's hard to do these things when you think you are going to die but it's worth a try.

I hope you feel better soon

Annie x

19-02-06, 16:06
sorry girls, just feel ive let everyone down. so frightened i ran tocasualty. just hoathme, still sore and flulike & b

19-02-06, 16:08
sorry. son cut me off. anyway doc says its nothing. feels soooo sore though and worse of all feels new.

thanks you 2 for replying. i pray its a flu can you believe that. it just feels so real the heart thing

19-02-06, 20:36
hi jack sorry your feeling bad i get this a lot especially in morning it is scary but just our heads throwing in some new symptoms to scare us.i hav pm you.take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

19-02-06, 23:33
hi jackie,
hope you are feeling a bit better.
i had chest pains and palps really badly and totally out of the blue quite recently, felt totally breathless and was sure i was going to die.
it's just another horrible panic symptom - next time it happens it won't scare you so much so it hopefully won't be so bad.
take care,
henri x

20-02-06, 09:27
dont feel as afraid today henri, but even this is scary if that makes sense. afraid to not be on the alert incase it really is my heart slowly giving up

21-02-06, 10:56
Yeah i use to get panic attacks only went i was sleep
but the last 2days i've been getting them during the day
I feel like i'm having a heart attack its freaking me out
What if it is my heart

this feels different

24-02-06, 15:38

If your heart were vgiving out bwhich it isn't , you would be having a myriad of symptoms and pain doesn't come high on the list.

Read up in our symptoms page. Most chest pains we get are from the tensing up of intercostal muscles and this will happen too if the muscles are tense and strained.

When you get a cold or flu these muscles amongst others get inflamed and start to hurt.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-02-06, 22:05
Those symptoms are totally normal for panic attacks first of all. Second, I hope you are feelign better right now. Third, I don't know if you have been diagnosed or if you have PD orAD, but if you do, and you are actually gettign sick, worrying about it, whether you are sick our not can actually cause you to feel anxiety. It is like me, I have PD, but sometimes I feel anxiety when I worry about when I will get my next panic attack. For people who have anxiety and/or panic, it can become a vicious cycle, with anything.
I hope you are feeling better, take care!:D

24-02-06, 22:10
hi jackie

when i get ill or have flu i seem to get more anxiety and always body checking.

amanda x

25-02-06, 11:05
thanks you lot. i can always rely on you to make it easier. now just make it go away.lol.

if only it were that simole


25-02-06, 11:07
Hi Jackie

I hope you are feeling better today.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

25-02-06, 22:56
Thinking about you xxxx

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".