View Full Version : Anxiety back 8 weeks in on citalopram help!

Sarah Louise
15-07-10, 09:22
Hi Everyone,

I have been on Citalopram for 8 weeks and have felt the best ive felt in 3 years.

I have however had a major set back this week and i am so scared my anixety is back that im sat here crying writing this.
I missed a period (sorry guys) and its really worried me i thought it might have been the tablets but the doctor assured me it wasnt the tablets and that i have to wait another 2 months until she will do anything.

I have woken up with anxiety this morning and have had the most horrible anxiety attack and it feels worse than ever before.
Im so worried its coming back i no i am making it worse by thinking this.

Does anyone have any tips that can help me or had simular experiances?
I am sat here looking at my 6 month old little girl feeling like a right cow and so selfish that i am on here when i should be playing with her.

Thanks Sarah x

15-07-10, 10:03
Hi Sarah

The first time i was on Cit i missed a period - are you concerned you're pregnant? If you feel the anxiety is coming back then perhaps you need to go back to your doctor. They might prescribe you a beta blocker or something to help

Sarah Louise
15-07-10, 10:06
No i no i am not pregnant i am just so regular and its only since taking these that i am late by 14 days and my mind is just running away with me that its all sorts i thought i was over this i really did.

15-07-10, 12:56
Hi Sarah

My last period was also late by over a week and i'm normaly regular and been on citalopram 2.5 month so think is the tablets.

I think you bound to have a bad days even on these tablets plus with 6 month old baby your hormons are still all over the place.

But if you do feel really bad speak to your GP.


15-07-10, 18:50
my periods were all over the place when i first started cit and then it happened again when i uped my dose a few months ago.

18-07-10, 18:10
Hi Yah,
Just wanted to say I had a really bad day yesterday 5 weeks into taking cit, thinking I was sooo much better than any time in the previous 3 years.
However lack of sleep due to my little boy being up much of the night ill plus 3 glasses of wine in the evening was a big contributor as I've been tons better today.
Hope that helps a little...XXX

18-07-10, 19:05
This is the first I have heard of citalipram. I am one of those rare people with a body chemistry that cannot take anti-depressants of any kind. Is it an anti-depressant?
I've tried most of them hoping they would help. My reaction was feeling like I was on speed, wanting to jump out of my skin, jittery, curling up in bed until it wore off and it would be instant. I would try to wait it out over several days, maybe a week but could never get through it. The side effects caused me more attacks so I had to seek out something else.
A doctor I met told me I needed a different kind of medicine........Lamictal. I was so afraid to take it but one night I was having a horrible night and just took a leap of faith and tried it. I felt no side effects and it has helped tremedously. I think we are all different chemically.
But I am interested in this drug Citalopram since I haven't heard of it.

18-07-10, 21:52
Sarah it can cause period probs hun .It s not common but it does happen to a few women .Sorry you feel anxious again .Maybe if it doesnt settle ,(it may be a blip .) You would benefit from a small increase .This happened to me a couple of times around the 6-8 week mark ..Have a word with your Gp about it if things dont improve ............faithhopelove .Its called Celexa in America .Yes it is a ssri /anti-depressant .The side effects you experienced when you tried antidepressants are common .It can be a very difficult time for some .They can make you feel a whole lot worse before you feel the benefits .Gradually the side effects go ,and the good feelings get longer until the body adjusts to absorbing the increased serotonin . .The drug you are currently taking is for Bipolar and epilepsy .Have you been diagnosed with Bipolar? or do you have re-curring depression may I ask ? Thanks Sue x

Sarah Louise
19-07-10, 11:02
Well i went back to my GP and she said i should increase my dose to 40mg but after looking on here i have moved up to 30mg first i have already started feeling tired on it my anxiety is still here but i no i have to give them time and i can always up them to 40mg but what if 40mg dont work?

I am not feeling anxious about my health and am feeling anxious about being anxious and i just keep thinking what if nothing works and i am going to be like this for the rest of my life i can't cope with it! I am doing CBT but only just getting into it i am going to speak with her on Wednesday.

19-07-10, 11:21
One step at a time Sarah Louise :hugs:. As you say yourself, increasing your dose won't work immediately. Try not to do the what if? thing. 30mg might just do the trick. My husband has recently gone up from 30mg to 40 and it's made a world of difference x

Sarah Louise
19-07-10, 11:30
Thankyou JaneC im sorry if i seem like a right depressed person its just i had a release of anxiety and its like i've come back to earth with a right bump.

19-07-10, 11:42
Don't worry! I've just replied to your other thread but wanted to add - I rarely find this is a straight road we are all on - it has bumps in the way, but you get over them. I feel like I'm on the wrong side of a bump myself today but it will not be the first one I have overcome xx