View Full Version : Wierd but Encouraging!

15-07-10, 11:26
I'm in the middle of a real relapse into HA which I'd thought I'd finally cracked - famous last words!
Something really odd happened this morning - I've been getting myself into a panic about a sore spot on my gums. Too scared to visit the dentist, can't stop myself thinking about anything else etc etc
But this morning I had another thing go 'wrong' with my body - believe me, you don't want to know the details! - which potentially [in my head] could be much more serious. Luckily enough after about 3 hours all went well and even I had to realise there's been nothing wrong at all!
But the crucial thing was - while I was worrying about my new problem, I couldn't & didn't feel the sore spot which had been bothering me at all! AND I swear that 5 minutes after I realised there was nothing wrong in the new bit - the sore spot started feeling painful again!!
This has really helped convince me that pain which feels so real can actually be more in my head than anything else! :)
Isn't it amazing what we do to ourselves sometimes?!

15-07-10, 13:44
Very true; it seems to be a common pattern that we frighten ourselves to death about a particular symptom, which either resolves itself or we are told is inconsequential, only for another one to appear. Sometimes it feels as though we don't *want* to believe that we are OK - weird....

09-09-10, 13:37
This is exactly what's been happening to me recently! I had chest pains but then had a panic attack which gave me terrible tingles in my arms...as soon as my mind was diverted onto the tingles and panic attack symptoms the pain went away! It came back again a bit later when I was over the panic attack.

I've had an achey mouth and some sore spots on my gums over the last couple of weeks but the pain isnt there when I wake up. Also I've noticed that if I stop worrying about it goes away. If i notice pain somewhere else in my mouth then the pain from the area I was previously concentrating on disappears!!

Moonlight X

09-09-10, 14:02

I posted a thread about my eyes recently..And I've been finding the same thing!!! Had really bad IBS for ages... then my eyes started playing up..Haven't had any IBS!!! OMG!! Just goes to show!!!

Nat xxx

Natalie x
09-09-10, 14:09
Hi. I get this all the time. Its because we're so tuned in to every sensation that we have and then another one comes along and we focus on that. For me, distraction is the key. I find that if im busy at work then my mind will not be on any HA at all. Its a horrible thing x

09-09-10, 17:44
this is just what im going through right now sending hugs. Distraction and keeping busy has definatley helped with me. Today i took my babies out to the park for 2 hours and gues what, i felt great and didnt think of anything once. as soon as i get home...........