View Full Version : Indigestion

15-07-10, 12:43
So I have been suffering with indigestion for a good few months now. First had ranitidine which did nothing for it and now I have lansoprazole.

For the first few days the lansoprazole worked a treat, no more pain, but now on day 7 I have got what feels like heartburn again. I thought these tablets were supposed to stop this?

Questions then are can you still get indigestion/heartburn on lansoprazole or am I to worry about my heart again even though I've been told it's ok?

And yesterday and today I have had really loose stools. Is this just a coincidence or can these tablets be upsetting my bowels?

I'm at a loss what to do as the heartburn/indigestion makes me anxious and panicky so it's a vicious circle I want to get out of.

15-07-10, 13:57
Hi dodo

I used to get loads of problems with indigestion and heartburn. I've had omeprazole in the past and they used to work to an extent, but my guess was that they didn't get rid of it entirely because my anxiety was fuelling the indigestion. I found Gaviscon was good , as it seems to coat the stomach lining and calm everything down. I also found that eating little meals more often was helpful too.

15-07-10, 16:39

I have had indigestion for years and tried all remedies. I was on Omeprazole but another GP decided to put me on Lansoprazole which I find is a lot more affective. However, I have been getting really bad stomach aches since being on it, so I think I may go back to Omeprazole. What dosage of Lansoprazole are you on?

15-07-10, 23:34
Only 15mg once a day and have been taking for a week. The pain is mostly gone but now I just have bad wind down below TMI, and the runs as well. Might just be a bug but a bit of a coincidence.

I also felt dizzy today which it states could be a possible side effect but I don't like reading into the leaflet too much.