View Full Version : Long term side effects of Citalopram

15-07-10, 22:40
I know everyone says that side effects go away after a few months but do they always or do you just not notice them so much?

I am struggling a little bit, I have been on Citalopram for about 4 months I think (days run into each other at the moment lol, packet after packet!)

I am still finding the following side effects, I suffer from health anxiety so want to gauge other people's experiences before letting it get the better of me:-

Extreme tiredness, I struggle sometimes to settle at night, never feel ready to wake up in the morning (I have a 2 year old) and by the time I get to early evening I feel absolutely knackered and can't keep my eyes open
I still get dizzy sometimes and when I stop moving it feels as though for a second though it feels like I ams till moving or that the room si moving around me
When tired I feel slightly removed from what I am doing which I find a little distressing at times
I am sure there are more little things but I can't remember them at the moment. I would just like to know what other things people still experience.

For anyone reading this who maybe hasn't started Citalopram or has only just started I want to point out that this has helped me beyond any expectation I had. I have had no panic attacks since starting and only a handful or panicky moments and gradually I am managing to get myself back. I am coping with everything better, have put some issues into perspective, have met someone who puts a smile on my face and have started feeling positive about the future.

Still though I would appreciate people's experiences, to gain some reassurance.

15-07-10, 23:49
Sounds like maybe your dose might be a bit high? It does sound fairly typical of what people report on citalopram. I definitely find it harder to wake up in the mornings on 30mg. It's normal to feel disoriented when very tired or under the effect of medication.

Health anxiety will always make things seem worse cos there's that ticking feeling that something is wrong with you and it's only going to get worse. Health anxiety, like any kind of anxiety, always takes the worst case scenario and blows it out of proportion.

It sounds like the citalopram is definitely helping you so maybe it will be worth concentrating on beating your health anxiety as your next step towards recovery.

16-07-10, 17:11
I have just reduced my dose from 30mg to 25mg .I sleep like a top ..and do still wake up feeling a bit groggy .Ive been on it now for 1yr 9months . This is probabaly the only side effect that I have ,and after all this time I have gotten used to it I suppose .A small price to pay for helping me get well again .Befor I went on it I never had a decent nights sleep .Ive certainly made up for that too :D .Sue x

16-07-10, 22:55
I'm only on 10mg, but I have always been quite sensitive to any kind of medication. even antibiotics. I was thinking about going higher but I seem to be ok at this level, just still noticing the side effects. Not a major thing, just enough to make me a bit wobbly at times.