View Full Version : 26 and getting on!

15-07-10, 23:21
only to vent guys
im 26 now my the years have flown with this health anxiety stuff it really does keep your mind so busy that each year feels like months and i look back and i have not done anything with my life!

others may experience this too. its like the anxiety wipes away your life literally.
ive so had enough and i know that nobody can do it for me ...i have to take the leap of faith to let go of my worries and just live.

there honestly is no other way and i cant go on living like this because it is no life at all. i want when my 27th birthday comes around im happy and im a new person not the same old fearful guy that i am now.

i want to able to walk in the few days that we have of summer here in the UK with my head held high thinking about the world and not focused on my problems i want to feel at peace and alive again.

i want to smile and mean it.........you know the smiles that are so genuine that they stay on your face long after seeing the thing that made you smile.

i want to have that full on belly laugh i had as a kid....cant even remember what it feels like to be honest just that it was amazing............all the money in the world is not worth one of those full on laugh out loud moments

i want to not think that every lump and bump is cancer, every blemish is cancer, every mistake will lead to catastrophe!

ok sorry you get the point i want to be normal again

i want my life back!!

15-07-10, 23:51
Oh I can't tell you how much I agree with you!! I could of written that myself! Sometimes it feels like a prison sentence and I'm continuously trying to escape! How I too long to be care free, happy and full of life. There are so many wonderful beautiful things in life that I don't want to miss anymore cause of anxiety. I want to look forward, fall in love, get married be a mum and have a happy fulfilling life! I know I will always have to battle with anxiety but I want to be in control of it not it in control of me!
Let's hope with our will and determination we will feel free and regain our zest for life! :)

15-07-10, 23:54
here, here.
guess thats really the secret isnt it?
if we stop caring about these things they cant control us anymore:D

16-07-10, 17:57
I've been learning how to use mindfulness to cope with HA, and it really has helped.

The crux of it is that if you try to make something go away, you'll just get more of it, so you have to accept your thoughts and just say thank you mind for that thought. You then carry on with what ever you were doing, even if you still feel anxious. It wont go away instantly, but you just have to accept everything the way it is.

A very good book on the subject is The Happiness Trap, by Russ Thomas.
It's different therapy from CBT, but it is recognised by NICE, and is gradually being used by the NHS.

Also look up mindfulness and acceptance on the internet, there are a few good websites with information.

Forget about control , the more you try to control your feelings, the more they shout at you, just let yourself have them, and you may start to see things in a different light.

Hope you find something useful from this message