View Full Version : am or pm meds time

16-07-10, 11:35
Hi guys can anyone give any advice on the prefered time of day for taking 10mg meds ..the first two days i took it pm and slept ok ish but had terible panic atacks waking me up
so i changed it to am , im day 5 panic atack gone feel more me again still not past it all yet , but i am waking EVERY night EVERY hour literaly not for a toilet or any odd feelings just waking then drifting back then waking and so on...
So now im realy tierd and feeling worn out and moody...
some people say taking at night is best some say the morning , i know its different for all but WHY if you are just maintaining a cirtain constant amount in the system could anyone explain the workings of it all and give any advice on the time to be taken..
I have breakfast at 8am then take 10mg at 8.30am and into the evening i start to feel tierd from about 7pm onwards and when i go to bed im dead tierd so when i wake all night its not good....thanks guys

16-07-10, 11:48
Hi greg

I can only give you my personal experience, no guarantee it will be the same for you!

I have been on Citalopram since early this year and when I initially took it, it was in the morning. I found I was incredibly tired during the day so took the advice of a friend and swapped to the evenings.

I have stuck with that regime as I find it works best for me, I usually take mine anytime between 8:30 and 9pm.

It is worth bearing in mind that there are not always horrendous side effects and I think if we go down the medication route we have to keep an open mind not always expect the worst.

I did have heightened anxiety for a couple of weeks and it took longer for my sleep to settle into a pattern but that's a price I was willing to pay for a relief from my depression!

I honestly think we have to be prepared for (but not necessarily expecting) some side effects but we also have to be prepared to give the medication a chance to work.

I hope you find a time that is suitable for you :flowers:

16-07-10, 12:00
thanks for your advice realy apritiate that

im willing to give it a chance for sure but like most just get them deperate moments and just need to hear others succed like yourself to bring me up a bit more....
i dnt feel tierd in the day just early evening onwards just want to find the right time to take the meds and dont want to play around to much and unsetle my system,,,,
ill just have to go with the flow for now give it a bit more time for the sleeping at night see what happens..
thanks ladybird64 for your advice