View Full Version : Head pressure & 'spots in eyes' - Worried about high blood pressure.

16-07-10, 12:56
Hi guys,

I've never had any trouble with my blood pressure before, it's never been high, even with anxiety. Although I am slightly overweight.
At the beginning of this month [so for about 2 weeks], I started to excercise! I was so proud of myself! I've been cycling, walking, pilates, & arm excercises with very light 'hand weights'

It's been going great & I've been feeling the benefit in many ways.
Only the past few days I've been having 'head pressure' & spots & floaters in front of my eyes, it's been really uncomfortable & scary & I'm worried the excercise has increased my blood pressure! :(

Now I'm convinced I'm gonna keel over with a heart attack & I'm too scared to excercise...I've been doing so well :(

Anybody any advice, please??? :(

16-07-10, 15:07
Is it there constantly or momentarily?

Floaters in your eyes are completely normal, most people have them and you'll notice them more when you're anxious as you pick up on small details. Sometimes drops in blood pressure can make you see spots, changes in position etc. This could also count for the head pressure but is normal.

Also the weather at the moment gives me head pressure. Have you any allergies like hayfever which may be giving you slight sinus symptoms?

Have you had your bp checked recently? You can go to places like lloyds pharmacy and they do it for free.

You really should give yourself a pat on the back, you're doing great.

16-07-10, 16:01
It's not constant no, the spots can be just a few seconds & the pressure can be for anything upto half an hour, then it goes away for awhile.

I have been feeling abit snuffly actually & my nose has been running abit. So maybe it is some sinus problem.

I had my BP checked last month I think, if not it would have definitely been the month before, it wasn't too long back anyway & it's always been fine.

I'm not giving up on the excercise because I've been feeling better, looking better & sleeping better, I can't give up on it now. I'll probably go the doctors on monday just to check it out.

Thank you *hug*

16-07-10, 18:46
I'm sure they'll say the same.

Sinus is a funny thing. Even when I don't feel too stuffy it can still affect me.

Good luck!