View Full Version : heart flutters

16-07-10, 18:50
I have experienced a short fast beating that lasted for about 8 or 9 beats ,then again and again ,it feels like a flutter in my chest .its different from the usual ectopics .its terryfing i hate it .Has anyone else had this very scary irregular beats .I just cant stand them .please help .I cant stand me heart going wonky all the time .kind regards molly xx

margaret jones
16-07-10, 18:53
Molly Hi Just logged on and guess what have had these flutters about 1 hr ago they are really scary but have settled down HA i hate it i am sure that they are harmless but still make you nervous .

Take Care Maggie

16-07-10, 18:57
Have you been to see your Dr to get checked out at all? There are all sorts of different irregularities that are harmless. Have you taken your pulse when it happens to see just how fast it is going?

16-07-10, 18:57
hi maggie thank you for your reply ,its awfull living like this .I just feel my whole life is being wasted with worry .thank you again kind regards molly

16-07-10, 19:02
hi dodo yes i have had all the tests ,seen many cardioligists all say theres nothing wrong .Its difficult to tell how fast the rate is because its very short bursts .Sometimes when it happens i will get some ectopics first then the fast beats for around a good few beats then some ectopics .Then it goes back to normal .The attack i just had was just the fast fluttery beats for around 20 seconds .its aawful .thank you for your reply kind regards molly

margaret jones
16-07-10, 19:03
Molly it is horrid this HA it does stop you enjoying life i try and stop myself worrying about all the wierd pains etc by telling myself that i am not in control of my destiny and whatever will be will be .Sounds corny i no but it helps me accept this horrid HA and get on with life

:hugs: For you Molly lol Maggie

16-07-10, 19:11
Well that's reassurring then.

16-07-10, 19:12
Hi maggie i hear what your saying ,i sometimes wake up in the morning and say to myself im not going to be scared today and that like you say i cant change whats going to happen .But as the day wears on the fear returns and when i get these awful beats that makes me think god see im right to be scared .But deep down i know that is anxiety to blame .kind regards molly

16-07-10, 19:14
hi dodo yes you would think that would do it ,but im afraid the fear just takes over .kind regards molly

17-07-10, 08:50
In the nicest possible way I am glad someone else gets this as well as me- I have had ectopics for over 20 yrs and at times they are so bad it is every 3 beats but extensive testing over all these years and always told that my heart is fine. About 12 yrs ago I notices a few seconds of what you are describing and same as you it was just after I think some ectopics- it only lasted about 2 seconds with me but was a very fast flutter under my finger. I haven't managed to feel it ever again but very occasionally I think I still get it.

Sinus tachycardia is quite common and harmless unless it continues for a long time so assume this is what it is. As I only get it very rarely there is no chance of catching it on ecg. If you keep getting it many times during a day then its worth going to the Dr to see if it can be picked up on a 24 hr ecg but only for your peace of mind.

Like the ectopics I bet its what they call a regular irregularity which means it does it but don't worry!

17-07-10, 10:54
hi thank you for your reply ,its not nice is it ,i have had many tests but it never gets picked up then.I just have to get help to deal with the fear of it then i will get well again.My agraphobia has set in really bad and i feel i am having no life at all .thanks again kind regards molly

17-07-10, 11:23
Hi Molly, its me Typer.

On the face book group, there is a thread where everyone says they have them and describes them. I know they are still not nice, but at least it might reassure you that it is common.

you can look via the link below. You dont have to join, its open to public, although some people's posts may not show if they have opted for that. Click on it and click on wall posts...you'll see a fairly long thread on it