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17-07-10, 11:22
Hi I'm Darren, I've had anxiety for a good 7 years. It all started a little while after my daughter was born, I remember my heart jumping and making me short of breath and was like "omg that feels weird" lol. Then later on in that day I couldn't sleep because of this really wrong feeling inside me, turns out I had a panic attack the nurse said (yeah I rang nhs direct). So anyway from that day onwardsI kept having them all the time everyday I had this persistent anxious feeling with all the symptoms. I tried beta blockers they didn't work, I tried many anti-depressants they didn't work either untill I tried venlafaxine which helped alot and stopped them all. HOWEVER...

after a good while I became addicted and dependant on them and it took me 3 years to get off them with a further 7 months of being weaned off and eventually I had to go cold turkey to get that crap out my system. (horrible experience) so after a while I noticed my anxiety coming back, I was sitting on a train feeling tight chested like my breathing was being restricted and I found myself not being able to concentrate on anything other than my shortness of breath, So I kept trying to breath in deeper which only made things worse... the feeling subsided once I was off the train oddly. This happened for a good year, and recently after a silly argument with a friend I had a full blown panic attack which lasted too long lol now since a few days ago I've had that persistent feeling back and I wake up like it with tight chest and funny feeling, heart jumping. I've been visiting psychological therapy groups and did fear going on the bus incase I had one (panic disorder) but I told myself no you're going on that bus wether you like it or not, and I did but unfortunately I backed up my negativity by having one because I thought I was gonna have one anyway. I spoke to my psychologist and she said best thing to do is go on the bus and say "I might have one, I might not have one. Even I do have one it's my bodys reaction to stress and it will eventually pass and I'll deal with it" apparently breathing stuff doesn't work with me because focusing on my breathing makes it worse, So to get over mine I need to ride them out and distract myself as much as possible. Sometimes complex distraction works and I feel a little more relaxed but sometimes I fall into the circle again by thinking about what happened the other day.

Well that was a lot I typed lol I joined this forum hoping to get some advice because feeling like this everyday is draining and I just want to get back to "normal" which is defined in my opinion as what I was before I had panic symptoms. I was more relaxed I could do everything I wanted without worrying about feeling like that and enjoyed life. I enjoy life now but it definately feels restricted right now.

anyway hope I bored you all enough :yesyes:

OH also....... if anyone has msn/windows live messenger add me c-h-a-o-s@hotmail.co.uk
I could do with making some new friends in the same situation maybe we can help each other... I'm usually better at helping people than myself and can be totally logical to someone elses thoughts apart from my own hehe. I'm from the UK (london)

17-07-10, 11:24
Hi Darren27

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes