View Full Version : Gregs Citalopram diary 17th july1 week in

17-07-10, 15:25
Hi everyone just thaught i would post my weeks avents for anyone who is just starting out on there meds

11th mon first 10 mg tablet had horible time with very high Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/healthanxiety)
felt very scared and nervious couldnt sleep felt very hot and swet like iv never swet before in my life and no desire for food.
felt i was waiting for the day to just pass and for no reason.
didnt like this and at this point felt it would never pass..

12th tue didnt sleep at night atall felt like i just stayed awake all night feeling scared and very sick,life felt pointles and had constant chatterbox in my head giving me all only negitive thaughts about everything.
heavy constant swetting all night keeping me awake again
and my mind was racing all over the place with no control over it,couldnt focus on anything and again felt like shit , felt mental ill.

13th wed Didnt sleep atall again very hot and again realy swet as soon as i lay down in my bed and did all night and was realy not enjoying this and wishing i never took the tablets had all the same strong feelings i said as above strong and hard to deal with and as i have a familly around me this mad it all realy hard to deal with , trying not to efect them with my mood as now feeling depresed two.

14th thur today woke up and felt slightly lighter my fuzzy head wasnt as strong and the chatterbox had calmed right down bot i had terible stomach cramps and bad wind still didnt have a good night sleep but was happy for a small respite from it all this morning.
as the morning started to unfold it all started to creep back as like in the early part of the week but felt some hope as it did go for a while..felt a bit hungrea today but when i had some food i felt realy sick and stomach cramps again.

15th fri woke up feeling a bit more like me today feeling slightley relaxed but very tierd.I didnt have the chatterbox anymore it was like someone turned of the switch and it stoped..so this i was greatfull to.
felt like i had some steam and get up and go today feeling hungre and wanted to do something today..this made me feel good on its own,i feel like this could be on its way out prehaps,
my day had many small neg moments my face felt a bit tingle all day and i felt like i could get grumpy easy and fed up kind of fealing but didnt feel like i was going made anymore...
spent the day like this.and towards the early evening i started to feel quite ok and spent some time with my 8 year old girl playing,then i realized i was doing normal things again ( without having to think about it) just how it should be ,so this lifted my spirits and the rest of fri night i felt pritty good in myself and was looking forward to my bed for the first time this week.
I went to bed with no swetting or anxious feelings i was just ready as i normally wood be....this was a good feeling....i think i had about 5 solid hrs sleep which i was realy greatfull for..
SAT am today i woke up after the 5 hrs sleep but felt moody and unhappy in myself,which was a depressing feeling , but i just layed there for a while with the radio on and woke up gentley and after a hr or 2 i started to feel ok in myself again, so justy needed time to wake after my tricky week with no sleep and felt a bit possitive again so on the mend,,there is improvement and hope you just have to hold on and give it time as i had to and battle through...I HAD GREAT SUPPORT IN THIS FORUM THROUGH MY WEEK SO A BIG BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL WHO HAVE HELPED ME THROUGH MY FIRST WEEK. now im going to see how things go before i get to excited. i feel very hungry today and are going to eat and enjoy this day...cos after all to day is one day and tomorow is another day which i will worry about when i get to it....

17-07-10, 16:17
Hi greg. Well done on your week and hanging in there. Can i ask was u on anyother med befor u started these.

17-07-10, 20:48
Well done Greg keep going :yesyes:

18-07-10, 10:35
no i wasnt on another med before this i was only very very mild anxiity but it was very managable in my life but the doc thaught it would be good to take them to take that edge out of my life..so when i started on these tablet i was pi--- off when i went through all this s--t
so now its on its way out im beeing told that in a few weeks or so i will feel the benifits of taking them and feel even better,so it better or ill be going to my doctors and kicking his ass for putting me through this for no reason....it still knocked me and even now despite my positive message i am still getting hot tingle feelings in my face and a bit of a hot head which is still realy iritating me...so im still hanging in there and waiting for the whole thing to completley pass...hears hopeing and moving forward....thanks for your support