View Full Version : weird head pains, really scared

17-07-10, 17:14
Hi all, i have been suffering with anxiety for years, but past couple of months i have been better. But I have always turned to this site and u guys when things would go bad again. Well, today is that time :blush::weep:
Lately i have been having some shooting pains around my head, always on only one side, it has been the right side first, not too bad, it would just lightning pain suddenly for couple of seconds and go. The scalp around the area would be tender when pressing, comparing to the other side where it wouldn't feel anything. Then it was gone. Now I feel it on the other side but the pain is a bit worse when it comes, and the area around forehead on that side, temples, the jaw, around the ear and just at the base of the skull is so tender when massaging. II also feel bit dizzy, not too much, just a tiny bit woozy, but i haven't been sleeping very well with my little one, and i feel tired and sleepy most days when i wake up anyway. I have a friend who had head surgery couple of weeks ago with hematoma which only makes me worry more. Please guys , have anyone feel this kind of pain? I am going out with the hubby tonight for the first time since baby, and i am sooo panicing about this, don't want it to ruin it. I keep trying to tell myself it's nothing bad. Please help :weep:

17-07-10, 20:16
Hey sweet

I too am suffering with head pain, neck pain, jaw pain, weird sensation in my throat and upper slight chest pain on the right side only. The headache has been there most mornings for the past week - slowly subsiding. The only painkiller to get rid is a Beechems decongestant!!!! I have Codeine the lot but the decongestant is the only thing that sorts the head. I have this weird pain like ache in my neck (right side) and base of skull???? I'm not sure if it's the muscles??? This pain, weird feeling in the chest is now driving me nuts. I'm due for an ultrasound and Barium Swallow. Just had Naso Endoscopy - diagnosed LPR - silent reflux. I'm still battling. This is affecting my life so I know how you feel. I've been trying to ignore the symptoms today but I can't. I get so worried. I was looking up muscle spasms just a moment ago and my partner went mad!!! Try to go out and have a bloody good time tonight with your hubby! Enjoy yourself. What will be will be huh?! I mean it's up to the Gods huh?! Only certain things are within our control. Que sera sera. I just wish I could practice what I preach!! Have a lovely time and try to enjoy the moment. Hugs....

Neen xx