View Full Version : Blood Clot On Brain?

17-07-10, 20:35
I was at a friends birthday party and was fine then when i started dancing with this guy i started getting a headache and kept jumbling the words up to one of my favourite songs (Which i know so well) I sat down and 20 mins later the pain went. It was in one place but lately ive been getting the symtoms of a bloodclot on the brain..

troubles communicating or talking. Slurring a little even if im not drunk. And the same headache in one place. Also my vision goes a little blurry sometimes.

:weep: Im so frightened. I thought it could be a possibility?

I banged my head a couple of weeks ago but nothing that left a bruise it just was sore for several days!

17-07-10, 20:36
( i dont drink either )

17-07-10, 21:16
People 'slur' and mix up their words all of the time.

If you had a clot on your brain you would have so many other symptoms you wouldn't be able to function right, let alone write on a forum.

Chances are after you banged your head you may have worried/thought about a clot, even just for a second, just general HA worry, I get it all the time and then when something happens, like this mixing your words up and so on it's like evidence that infact you may have a clot on your brain but in reality, you don't. Maybe this wasn't the case with you but a lot of my HA worries start this way.

Trust me you don't have a clot on your brain. You would be in so much pain if you did.

17-07-10, 21:19
Thankyou so much Ella. x

17-07-10, 23:33
My 'gut feel' is that the pain and other symptoms would not come and go as quickly as you are describing with something really serious. However, any unexplained headache and neurological symptoms should always be checked out. Personally, if I was you for peace of mind, I'd go to the GP. The likelihood is that you panicked when the headache came and the anxiety caused you to forget the wording as you weren't focusing.

17-07-10, 23:44
Sounds a lot like a migraine to me. Migraines with aura last about 20 minutes. Have you been to see your GP?