View Full Version : its only the swimming baths !!!!

fretty freda
18-07-10, 11:10
yes but its 11am my anxiety is yukk !! stumach churns i feel on edge i cant relax my mind is racing i feel sick

my bf wants me to meet him and his kids at the swimming baths .... i dont usually start my day till 1pm as mornings are my worst times also the swimming baths are packed ! full of people and kids ..... i ask myself how will i focus will i hear people speak to me if i am focused on my anxiety , what if i seem different or strange to usual ? what if the feelings dont go and i have a panic attack and that brings them back as in relapse for a week ?

if i dont go i feel i have let myself and the kids down and i am not living a normal life doing everyday things .....

what can i do please help xxxxx

fretty freda
18-07-10, 11:23
i have 1 hour to decide and anxiety getting worse xx

18-07-10, 11:23
You have 2 options, either bail and dissapoint yourself, your boyfriend and the kids or bite the bullet and go enjoy yourself. You will find things are not half as bad as you imagine them to be. Focus on the swimming and have fun with the kids. I'm sure you will be well distracted from your anxieties and feel just fine. You are not going to die so ask yourself what is the worst that could happen? If your stomach is all over the place you will find a good peppermint gum (I use wrigleys extra) will really help to soothe it. Peppermint is well known for soothing an upset stomach. Good luck and have a nice day :)

18-07-10, 11:34
How about just going along as a spectator today? That way you can easily leave to get some air, and you are also away from the main 'action'?


18-07-10, 11:39
Hi its 11.30am

I hope that you are now at the pool but if not don't punish yourself too much.

I understand when you say will you hear when spoken to, I'm like that drive people nuts with say err or what did you say afterwards ... when anxiety hits my ears seem to fail working I am panicing and just want to get whatever it is over and done with and make my escape... its hard when others don't understand that feeling.

On the up side of things swimming is great, I love swimming and stop myself from going, thats another story but what a great way to deal with the anxiety.. once in the water you will go into another world and hopefully your mood will lift...

So I hope you are have a splashing time right now x

fretty freda
18-07-10, 11:40
thanks guys !! god now ive said i will go i am getting concerned about being able to stay awake as ive gone sleepy now xxx

18-07-10, 11:42
woo hoo go girlie I'm really so happy you have decided to go.. you will soon wake up because you will have a fantastic time..

Have fun thinking of you with a healthy jealousy lol x

fretty freda
18-07-10, 17:51
awww thanks people i did it and went to asda afterwards !! your support helped me so much now i feel i must keep this up every week but maybe not i dont have to go every time xxxx