View Full Version : Need encouragement - have to start a new med

18-07-10, 13:15
I'm supposed to start Zoloft 25 mg. this morning and I am terrified. I have tired this one before (and also Celexa, effexor and paxil) the last couple of months but I only take them for one night, end up with anxiety and panic attack and then think it is from the med and stop it right away. My doctor feels I could really benefit from taking this because I continue to lose weight due to the anxiety and she feels that I need something. I do use ativan .25mg bid, a small amount, but still have trouble eating and have panic attacks with tachycardia. I need encouragement to do this. Help.

18-07-10, 16:32
I am familiar with this particular medication. I found it had no difference to other meds of its type in regards to side-effects. Like any of the others, it took a couple of weeks to get used to the drug and by then, the side-effects wore off. Hope this little bit of information helps in some small way.

18-07-10, 19:27
Cut the pill into a smaller amount and ween yourself on it. That way you will curb a lot of the side effects.

18-07-10, 21:00
What kind of side effects?
I took it this morning - 25mg. May be a little more tired and spacey, but then I can be that way without taking it.

19-07-10, 10:15
I dont know what the side effects are. Im just saying if you were worried about getting problems that taking a smaller dose will help you to get on them. Looks like you already took the normal dose though :p

19-07-10, 14:49
I didn't have any start-up side effects with sertraline - I just felt the same as normal.