View Full Version : How To Cope With A Sufferer of Anxiety - Guide

18-07-10, 18:12
This is going to be an “Us” and “You” Tale.
“We” are the sufferers (I would really prefer to call us “fans” much more empowering, I feel) of Anxiety, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Health Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia etc. and “You” are the friends, family, spouses, partners of “Us”.
We like to abbreviate ourselves very much in manner of highly educated gentry (Sir Francis Wobblybottom BA. MA. PhD.) and therefore I become -as an example - Ms. Suzi Harris GAD. PA. HA. AG.).
In writing this I will try and be as objective as possible but I remain firmly in the “We” camp although I do now and again make a foray into “You” lot to try and see what the f… you are doing. But then, as if catapulted back by legendary-length rubber band, I return to the combined shaking, palpitating bosom of “Us”. Where I am safe in the knowledge that “We” are all worrying about everything imaginable and this calms me greatly. I know that I don’t have to worry that we’ve missed anything out.
So, there you sit. You’re a spouse/friend/parent of one of “Us” and you’re at a complete loss aren’t you eh? Abso-bloody-lutely flummoxed aren’t you? Well don’t worry, you are in good company because; so are we. So this is not meant to be a definitive guide to dealing with an “Us”, just a modest Quick Guide to “Coping With an “Us”” (or, as we probably are to you, a “Them” but this will confuse matters unnecessarily because for “Us” you are “Them” …you see?)

10 Tops Things never to say to “Us”:
1. “Pull yourself together” – all of our trembling, palpitating, sweating, numb, tingling, jittery, breathless parts are so far flung that this is, at present, impossible. Believe me we would like nothing better than to pull ourselves together but first we must find them all and fit all the pieces back together like a 3D jigsaw puzzle. Every time we get almost there we find a piece missing and we have to take it all apart again. This is extremely tiring so please bear with us. For those of us with puppies this process is even more difficult because we have to find missing pieces which have, more often than not, also been chewed…
2. “I understand” – NO. You don’t. And because we love you we hope that you never do. For all the longing that we feel to be understood we would not wish this on our worst enemy as the hackneyed phrase goes. Well, maybe on our worst one…
3. “Make me a cup of tea while your up” – I just slipped this one in here because it really bugs me…
4. “Everything will be fine.” – You don’t know that for a fact. We cannot believe that and you cannot promise us that. What we are having problems with is coping with the infinite number of things that could go wrong. We google, we chat, we compare symptoms, we read tabloids we trawl for more and more information, more disasters that could befall us and our loved ones. We see that no one is safe and we don’t have an “off” switch. We are incapable of coping with the sheer mammouth –ian proportions of “things-that-could-go-wrong”. We can see the cloud wrapped around every silver lining…
5. «Ελα τωρα» - do not say this because we will not understand you cos we don’t speak Greek (the same would apply in this case even if we didn’t have GAD/HA/PA/SA/AG)
6. “Come on, just get in the car and let’s go to that Mega Mall and just have a quick look around” – this would be like me saying you one of “You”: “Come on, just stick your hand in here and get the grass stuck from between the blades of this lawnmower while I hold the “ON” button. If you’re quick the blades won’t catch you”. No, I didn’t think so…
7. “Stop worrying” – But that’s what we do. We are Champion worriers. If there is objectively nothing to worry about at any given time we worry about that too. If something good happens then we worry that something bad is bound to follow. We worry that when things are bad, they could get worse, when things do get worse we worry that they will get even worse and then when they do, we worry about…you get the idea I am sure.
8. “I don’t understand you” – ummmmm…we know that.
9. “Do it for me, for the kids” – Ah guilt!!! Wallow, wallow, roll about in manner of pig in mud. Yesssssss!!!!!! Guilt. Oh Lovely just what we needed! Some more guilt!!! This is probably the hardest thing for “You” to comprehend. We already feel guilty. About EVERYTHING. We feel guilty about you, the kids, the dog, the neighbor, our sisters, brothers, global warming, Canadian Spruce Tree Disease, the economy, having bought no loo-roll. We feel guilty about being like this. We feel guilty for snapping at you, for not being any help to you, for letting you down, for being miserable, for not cleaning the house, for sitting on NMP chat while penicillin is growing in our teacups. You name it; we feel guilty for it. It is our fault. If we were, faster, slower, prettier, uglier, taller, shorter, cleverer, dafter, older, younger we’d be good enough. But we aren’t and never will be so we feel guilty.
10. “Oh come on I’ve had bad days and just snapped out of it!” – there are no words to describe to you why this is sooooooooooooo wrong…

On the bright side though, there is something that you can do!!! It’s the only thing that can possibly help us and it’s really simple:

You can say: “I have no idea what you must be going through but if it’s got YOU so down then it MUST be really tough. I am here for you. I’ll just walk beside you quietly while you go through the woods and if you stumble I’ll prop you back up. You can beat this.”

So, to all of my new friends here on NMP I say the words above to you… you know who you are.


18-07-10, 18:41
I loved your post!
Yes there is them and us and we do have a great following but I wouldnt want 'them' to join!
Mrs Carol-Anne Buckley PA, AG

18-07-10, 18:41
Gosh Suz, you are so good at making it make sense, as well as very insightful.

why don't you write a small book called something like your title?

If not you could make a real god blog for people to visit

18-07-10, 18:53
Thank you both so much for the kind words! Yes, a book would be lovely but let's just start small. I wouldn't want to join "Them" too quickly!!!!!!

18-07-10, 19:28
Another classic post from you Suz.... Brilliant!

18-07-10, 20:58
Awww thanks!!!!!

18-07-10, 23:18
I think I love you

19-07-10, 07:51
Excellent post Suz - the one you did forget was my personal fave :

"I want to go to ... [ insert any place you REALLY dont feel up to going here ] are you coming ?"

"Sorry no, I dont feel up to it and am having a bit of a rough day"

CUE tutting and childish face pulling and going off in a huff !!!

And yep, I used to get that one ALL the time - no thought about how I felt, only how it effected her, and what she wanted to do, no asking 'well would you feel up to going somewhere else, just round the local pub for an hour ?' or 'do you want to just get a film and a takeaway and we'll have a night in ?'

19-07-10, 09:32
Awwwww Mike! Part of getting better is realising that people like that should really NOT be in your life at all. The hard thing too realise is that it is NOT personal. Whoever they were with would get the same selfish treatment. It's not you. It's them.
It's OK, I'll prop you up if you stumble

19-07-10, 10:49
:roflmao:brilliant post - always helps to have a laugh about it - sometimes its the only thing that helps - so we can still laugh? - some of 'them' cant do that!? - had a little choke up when you said what you would like 'them' to say to 'us' - if only - i think wed be alot better than we are - not to blame anyone, but a lack of sympathy and support does make us feel worse - FACT - maybe its getting past 'them' supporting us - and its getting to 'us' supporting ourselves - and finding the confidence to say that as we have to accept them the way they are, they too have to accept us the way we are - and for all the ppl who dont like it, they know where the door is? however problem then is to find likeminded friends - as we seem to all be on the net but not around in real life - or we are too scared to meet up for whatever reason!:winks:

19-07-10, 11:07
Im sending you a hug:hugs:for you cause when i read your post you pick me up everytime xx

19-07-10, 11:45
LOL this post just reminded me to take my meds

19-07-10, 13:08
I can totally relate to everything there. Its the added guilt that gets me the worst.

19-07-10, 15:28
lol Baggs!!

Great post Suz...you could be the new funny Claire Weekes!! I'd buy it! ; )

19-07-10, 18:38
Thanks Sezza!!!
Could I have an advance maybe????


19-07-10, 21:27
why of course!! x