View Full Version : please help , these palps are bad... real bad

19-02-06, 22:48
Im feeling so bad tonight i just dont know what to do, i was lying on the sofa watching tele and then in my back i can feel my heart not quite ticking over properley , u can feel that it is real -it is like my hear ant quite funtioning and is moving about alot..but this time im feeling the effect in my back..i cant take this anymore..im having uncomftable feelings in my back too..i cant explain but im going out of my mind... in camt stand this anymore...i think i really am going to die ...i must be coz this is so not right its , not right.
If you dont hear from me anymore then you know that something really has happened to me ..i want to feel better,i want this to go away i dont want to die
ash xx

a redworth

19-02-06, 23:04
Hi Ashley,
know how you feel-i get the same -but... it does get better sometimes and the ok bits make the rest worthwhile.

20-02-06, 07:22
I cant stand it, i was so bad last night after having a masif panic attack , i calmed down laid down in bed and ,it all tried starting up again -body shakes inside and out really bad, ive waited and waited for my kids to go to school so i can get in a taxi and get myself down A & E to get myself checked out , i cant stand it,im too too scared and in pain.... I couldnt bear to call an ambalance when my kids were here,my daughter would of freaked out badley ... i mean if i had to maybe ...but my gal would of passed out with worry ..last night she threw a note down the stairs... she had over heard me talking about my aniexty bless her and she wrote this long letter about how much she loves and she dosnt want me to die, oh god that really helped bless her ... she said she was sorry for being naughty(she is 12) and that she can stop giving me stress , but her brother she said has got to stop too, mum she said i love you your my best friend i love you, please dont die if you die mum it said i want to die...and that was a splash of a tear and it said at the side of it... that was my real tear,oh bless it was so cute ... same time that freaked me too, i reasurred her of course... but can you imagine what that did to me, im going a and e i have to check this , i love my kids what would they do without me.
ashley x

20-02-06, 09:06
ashley ive had 3 days like that now. i went to casualty yeaterday and got ecg, still cant believe it was normal. im here if you need me. have had your symptoms on a daily basis for 4 years

20-02-06, 11:08
Hi Ashley

I have the same problem as you over the last few days i've had these nasty palps i too get worried when i get them. I've had them for 4yrs now since i got my panic/anxiety attacks before that i was fine. You are not on your own with this there are many of us on here with the same and i'm sure you will get more replys to your post.

It sounds to me its down to anxiety thats one of many sypmtoms try not to get to anxious about it, it will make you feel worse and try to keep calm and not focus on it to much.

Hope you will feel better soon

feel free to pm me.

linda xx

Ma Larkin
20-02-06, 11:17
Hi Ash, I was like that all last night. I woke up at 4.30am with a sharp like stitch stabbing in my heart, but the pain is right round my back as well (across my shoulders). I felt OK today, took a diazepam about 5am, but the stabbing pains have come back. I did have a brush with plouresy a few months ago, which gave me back pain, but I've never had these stabbing pains before. I didn't want to ring an ambulance because I didn't want to scare the kids, & I've managed to bring myself in work, thought it would take my mind off it, but the pains are real, even when I'm really busy. This is awful isn't it, its just reassuring to know that we are not alone with this.

20-02-06, 19:21

Did you read the links I sent as they will help reassure you somewhat. It helps to know that you are not alone.


20-02-06, 20:12
Hi Ashley
Sorry to hear you are not feeling to good this evening
I too am having a nightmare. I you need to talk Im here
Love Wendy x

april tones
05-03-06, 22:32
hi ashley. how did you get on? xx


06-03-06, 18:17
i have hads 3 ecgs april, and blood tests and blood pressure-- slight raise in the blood pressure ,and a raise in my clestrol is what they found ... apart from that nothink to write home about ... but then my heart didnt play up when i have been at the hosptal or the doctors come to think of it.

Because of the eptopics that i have been having in the last week ..im still convined that i am going to die ..its a friggin nightmare i tell ya ...

scared 24 7 how lovley xxx