View Full Version : whats happening? cant control my emotions

19-07-10, 08:53

I have been on an increased dose of sertraline, gone from 50mg to 100mg, for just over two weeks, after a week of feeling worse, i then had a week of feeling better and went back to work, now i feel terrible, cant stop crying everything hopeless, desperate to get better. I had a panic attack on friday, first one for a couple of weeks, and its gone downhill from there. Just feel so low,, i was increased on my meds due to anxiety returning, i had been on 50mg for five years, and worked well for me. The anxiety is not here all day now, but when it does come it feels worse, my appiete came back, now its gone again, but its the non stop wanting to cry that is panicing me, feel like all my get up and go has gone, please someone tell me its the side effects of increase and it will go. It did last time, i remember going worse then better, but i am feeling a bit desperate now.

jaded jean
19-07-10, 15:35
Hi linworth
I can relate to the meds being uppeddue to your anxiety, My cit was upped from 20 to 30mg today as anxiety has broken through again , had my first panic attack in over a year, and I am getting so agitated and crying at the silliest of things. My doc says its reactive anxiety as I am thinking of the worst case scenario, how daft am I,tHE SIDE EFFECCTS WILL GO and you will start to feel better I was supposed to take my extra this morning but didnt, Just say to yourself this will be short term and you will feel better .
stay strong there.

19-07-10, 18:05
HI jean

Thank you for your reply, had a terrible day, which culminated in a huge panic attack, but think i had built it up, fears of losing my mind etc.., its like a big fear of myself and how i am feeling, just thinking about myself brings on the panic, how mad is that? i do have to remember it will go, it has before it will again, are u going to increase your meds Jean? how long have u been on them? better days x lynne

19-07-10, 19:11
Hi Lynne,

So sorry that you are feeling tearful etc....I really think it is the increase and it will settle hun...just takes some time though. Are you coping at work? Perhaps you need a bit of time to get used to the new dose . I can so relate to you when you say you fear that you are losing your mind, I have had this feeling before, its dreadfull and so scary but is just part of the anxiety and it will go.

I hope you feel better soon hun, send you big hug.:hugs:


19-07-10, 19:37
Hi jo

thanks for your reply, no not in work today, supposed to be tomorrow but think i will give it a miss, i have felt so depressed today and very anxious, ended up having a huge panic attack. When i say i panic when i think of myself, i think its because i fear my feelings and feel out of control. Its awful, but i know it pass, cant believe how much better i felt last week. Just hoping i get a breather from it tonight, this feels so much worse, than before i lupped the meds. take care xx

19-07-10, 20:27
Totally relate my emotions with yours At the moment. Have many anxiety symptoms and emotions for the second day.

19-07-10, 21:00
HI Thumbalina,

have u just started new meds? or increased, its awful isnt it, just trying to ride it out, take care

19-07-10, 21:13
Hi Lin. Thnks for reply. I had GAD for 5 y. Gradually got it Under control. I havnt had prescription for my med - cipralex for over 4 m. Was feeling great and just couldn't find time to collect one. Before that was taking med for 4 hrs non stop. Hav to take tab tonight and scared now. Had many stressor in apast months that's why snapwd. I know that.... What ab you? How are u feeling now?

20-07-10, 03:18
have been on an increased dose of sertraline, gone from 50mg to 100mg, for just over two weeks, after a week of feeling worse, i then had a week of feeling better and went back to work, now i feel terrible, cant stop crying everything hopeless, desperate to get better.


I think you'll find what's happened has nothing whatsoever to do with the meds. The same thing would have happened whether you were on 50mg or 100mg.

The key issues are these...

had a week of feeling better...Because you weren't at work and when you did, this happened....

went back to work, now i feel terrible, cant stop crying everything hopeless, desperate to get better.

And why did this happen?

Because.....I had a panic attack on friday, first one for a couple of weeks, and its gone downhill from there.

Which now means....The anxiety is not here all day now, but when it does come it feels worse, my appiete came back, now its gone again, but its the non stop wanting to cry that is panicing me, feel like all my get up and go has gone,

In other words, this panic attack has sparked off your fear of having more so you're now feeling more anxious which is creating your loss of appetite, your tearful mood and lack of motivation.

If you look further into it, the actual real cause behind the panic attack is the stress I know you're suffering at work.

Ease the stress...panics will stop...you'll feel much better and so you may well also at some point no longer need meds so don't give up on hope just yet because I know you're working towards your goals. It just takes time so try to be patient.:hugs:xxx