View Full Version : What medication do you take for anxiety?

Dissolved girl
19-07-10, 11:09
Hi there
I know there are threads on here about medication but i wanted to ask any way.
I started having bad anxiety/panic attacks over a year a go.
The doctor prescribed me Fluoxetine 20mg which i have been taking for over a year. She also prescribed valium and beta blockers.
I don't remember any side effects. I was anxious for a long time afterwards and very, very depressed the first week of taking them.

But i am still anxious quite often and still have panic attacks. I was reading fluoxetine is not always the right med, is there anything any one else can suggest? I trusted my doctor to prescribe the right medication but i am wondering now whether i should try something different seeing as i am still anxious a lot of the time?

DG x

19-07-10, 11:34
Its not that your doctor prescribed the wrong medicine. Everyone reacts differently to anti depressants. Some people are lucky and the first one they try will help, others will need to try other types to get relief.
If your anxiety is stopping you from leading a normal life then go back and tell your GP and ask about trying a different pill.
I take Mirtazapine, Seroxat and Propranalol.

19-07-10, 12:30
I have been taking Ativan every day in small doses (.25mg twice a day).
I just started taking Zoloft 25mg yesterday. (and very panicky about starting a new med).

Sarah Louise
19-07-10, 12:32
I take 30mg Citalopram i am slowly increasing this to 40mg i found it helped me alot at the start i ahve had a blip but my doctor said i would most likely need to increase my dose. I ahve suffered with anxiety for 3 years and found this tablet very useful.

19-07-10, 12:36
I think Citalopram seems to be the major anti-anxiety drug. There are so many threads about it on the board at the moment too.

19-07-10, 13:46
Fluoxetine didn't work for me personally. Seroxat was pretty good, but made me tired. Sertraline (which I am back on now) took the edge off the anxiety and panic. Citalopram did nothing except make me vomit. Effexor was ok, but I was still having panic attacks. Thing is, you can't tell until you try - as everyone reacts differently. Lots of people on here swear by Citalopram, it just didn't work for me.

I also have a small script of Valium for emergencies.

I am also going to ask my GP about an antihistamine called Atarax (hydroxyzine Hydrochloride), which has NICE approval for anxiety, but isn't addictive (unlike valium)


Dissolved girl
19-07-10, 15:26
The thing is, i am not even sure what the medication is supposed to do for me.
I assumed i would always be on edge and panicky even on medication.
I guess i just have to give another medication a go.
I am just very scared that my anxiety will come back really badly when i am switching.
I guess i should just go to the doctors and ask their advice.
I will definately be asking about the Atarax mentioned. I just wish there was some miracle drug which would stop me being on edge every day. Which is how i am.
If this is the right medication for me (currently on fluoextine) should i still be on edge daily? Or is that just life?

19-07-10, 19:38
I tried Lexapro a few weeks ago and the panic attacks were so horrible I quit taking it. I've tried lorazepam and diazepam, they both make me more anxious and no sleep at all.
I'm currently taking propranolol 10mg in the am to lower my pulse rate. It helps great. I still have the anxiety symptoms like tingling in hands and feet, not sleeping great, tightness in my chest. But I've decided to work through it. It's hard each day, but I can't fight the feelings and I'm learning to deal with it.
I'm reading the anxiety and phobia workbook and it's really helpful. It tells you to work through the anxiety because though we THINK it's harmful, it's not. I know I feel that way too but I'm taking each day as it comes.
If I can't work through it then I'll go to possibly another medication but I respond horribly to them.
Hope that helps.

19-07-10, 19:50
i take duspolupin ( which is class as an anti depressent but is also a sedative ) i aslo take promazine and diazipam which help keep me on a calm level also have had propranol 40 mg whicj i found helped quite bait with no side efectts

hope you are well :)

19-07-10, 22:33
Fluoxetine didn't work for me personally. Seroxat was pretty good, but made me tired. Sertraline (which I am back on now) took the edge off the anxiety and panic. Citalopram did nothing except make me vomit. Effexor was ok, but I was still having panic attacks. Thing is, you can't tell until you try - as everyone reacts differently. Lots of people on here swear by Citalopram, it just didn't work for me.

I also have a small script of Valium for emergencies.

I am also going to ask my GP about an antihistamine called Atarax (hydroxyzine Hydrochloride), which has NICE approval for anxiety, but isn't addictive (unlike valium)

I just started Sertraline yesterday (25mg to start for the first week). Did you have any problems with it? I feel a little spacey and sometimes my stomach is a little upset. But I have a huge med phobia, so it is hard to tell which is anxiety and what is caused by the Zoloft. Any helpful hints? I have a panic disorder and have lost a lot of weight.

19-07-10, 23:20
I take cipralex 10mg for 4 yrs with the small break in between. No Ntianx anymore for about 1yr

20-07-10, 09:30
I just started Sertraline yesterday (25mg to start for the first week). Did you have any problems with it? I feel a little spacey and sometimes my stomach is a little upset. But I have a huge med phobia, so it is hard to tell which is anxiety and what is caused by the Zoloft. Any helpful hints? I have a panic disorder and have lost a lot of weight.

I didn't notice any particular side effects when I started sertraline, except for a bit of a bad stomach. I took Imodium for the diarrhoea - which I guess you'd be averse to taking since you are med-phobic - however I've never experienced any side effects with it.

20-07-10, 12:16
I've tried the Zoloft for two days and I think I will be quitting it and just staying on my low dose of ativan. Up twice last night with intense hot flashes (which I do get), but this is much more intense and pounding heart. Not sure if it's my anxiety about taking the med or a side effect of the medication. Intense anxiety.

20-07-10, 13:45
I've tried the Zoloft for two days and I think I will be quitting it and just staying on my low dose of ativan. Up twice last night with intense hot flashes (which I do get), but this is much more intense and pounding heart. Not sure if it's my anxiety about taking the med or a side effect of the medication. Intense anxiety.

It's possibly a mixture of the two. SSRIs can make you more anxious at the beginning - but can you take your ativan to counteract this for the time being? My GP gave me valium for this purpose. You may have to suffer a couple of weeks of feeling unwell unfortunately, some people do - but if the med ends up working for you, it will be worth it and I think you'll be glad.

I guess the question is: which is the lesser of two evils? Going back to just ativan, where you can't eat, feel anxious and have lost lots of weight (not an ideal solution), or putting up with 2 weeks of feeling horrid to see if you get a good outcome, feel less anxious, are able to eat again.

Try calmly telling yourself that the feelings you are having are the side effects of the medication kicking in - that is all they are, and they won't hurt you even though they are unpleasant.

20-07-10, 15:55
I am on 150mg sertraline and I have propranolol and valium for 'emergencies'.

20-07-10, 20:43
It's possibly a mixture of the two. SSRIs can make you more anxious at the beginning - but can you take your ativan to counteract this for the time being? My GP gave me valium for this purpose. You may have to suffer a couple of weeks of feeling unwell unfortunately, some people do - but if the med ends up working for you, it will be worth it and I think you'll be glad.

I guess the question is: which is the lesser of two evils? Going back to just ativan, where you can't eat, feel anxious and have lost lots of weight (not an ideal solution), or putting up with 2 weeks of feeling horrid to see if you get a good outcome, feel less anxious, are able to eat again.

Try calmly telling yourself that the feelings you are having are the side effects of the medication kicking in - that is all they are, and they won't hurt you even though they are unpleasant.
I think if I wasn't working full time it may be different. I spoke with my therapist today, and he is thinking that it probably has something to do with my hot flashes that I am having - I am going through menopause. I chose to discontinue the med because I have to be able to work. The ativan does help me eat, if I take it. I had tapered off of it, and will take the .25mg b.id. now, and increase if need be. The psychiatrist said that is a very low dose and should not have any trouble with addiction.

20-07-10, 20:57
i have been on and off anti depressants for over 10 years and at one time was on beta blockers instead of an antidpressant. however - i have found that all of them have stopped working after 2-3 years. i have also realised that you cannot take a pill and not expect to have to address the reasons why you suffer from anxiety/depression in the first place as that is the only way you will manage symptoms in the long term. i have come through some major blips with sheer acceptance recently and am now down to 7.5mg citalopram and taking nothing else because i have realised that i am a constant worrier and perfectionist and suffer with low self esteem and so am addressing this root causes and changing my own behaviours that cause me to feel anxious rather than maksing it with medication.

i still feel slightly anxious all the time and suffer some chronic symptoms such as headaches etc but actually feel more positive than i have done in years - it has taken me a long time to get this point but i am finally ready to deal with all this and work with myself instead of fighting it!

20-07-10, 22:08
i take 40 mg of citralopram and it seems to be working, been suffering for 3 years and having a blip at the mo so increased my dose, fingers crossed it seems to be doing the trick. good luck xx

21-07-10, 03:19
I'm on amitriptyline and gabapentin, neither of which are normally used to treat anxiety, they're both for nerve pain amongst other things, but some research is supposed to suggest they help with anxiety, which I must admit, they seem to have to some degree. And I've tried most antidepressants and the only effective anxiety meds ive been given are addictive and short term only.

Though as they say, its horses for courses and about finding whats right for you.

23-07-10, 18:57
There is no doubt and the exercise of any physical activity, especially in the sun, is beneficial for anxiety and depression. I would also point out that drugs is not just a "quick solution" or something to cover the real problem. In many cases people feel anxiety biological anxiety was not caused by trauma or life events (even if they can exacerbate anxiety). Then simply tell people they need to go to the heart of the problem is not an option for all peoples.

23-07-10, 20:53
I would also point out that drugs is not just a "quick solution" or something to cover the real problem. In many cases people feel anxiety biological anxiety was not caused by trauma or life events (even if they can exacerbate anxiety). Then simply tell people they need to go to the heart of the problem is not an option for all peoples.

PC what's the evidence for this? Studies of combined drug use and CBT have shown the combination is more effective than drug use alone. That would point anxiety attacks being a learned response and not a biological one.

23-07-10, 21:10
I have been taking sertraline for one month now. For the first 2 to 3 weeks the side effects were hell. It just increased my anxiety and I needed diazepam to calm me down.
However, I think I may have made a very slight improvement and am hoping the sert is starting to kick in. I am still quite anxious, I nearly drove my darling 15 year old mad with mithering today, but I am starting to smile and enjoy little things a little more now. I also am paying for counselling but it's early days yet.
I have started swimming 2 or 3 times a week and sitting in a sauna definitely helps me to relax. Long walks with the dog help too.
Sometimes I think people look at me as if I'm loopy but hopefully that's my imagination. I just hope people never have to go through what I've been through.
Stick with Sertraline, it's hard at first but I think it may be starting to help.

23-07-10, 21:36
There is no doubt and the exercise of any physical activity, especially in the sun, is beneficial for anxiety and depression.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. There are masses of studies, which you can probably find online that have found exercise is enormously beneficial, and some thought that its better than antidepressants long term. Sunlight also helps with B vitam9ns I hear, which I also hear are good for raising the mood.

Obviously there are barriers to this, such as if you aren't physically able to do cardiovascular exercise (which is best for it) or you have a health anxiety about your heart which makes you worry about its rate increasing in exercise or of coruse if you're like me and really struggle with motivation (I think my tabs don't help with this)

anyway, I think all thats generally true.

19-08-10, 15:49
I was put on Propanolol briefly but when I had an attack, it didn't even touch the sides. So my GP has put me on Olanzapine today. See how I get on with that. She gave me a few Diazapam for an emergency but doesn't want me taking them long term. I am starting counselling tonight as well.

Edit - It's been 2 days and Olanzapine seems to be working well, I am a little tired but I am sleeping well and haven't had an 'episode' since taking it. I am on 1 x 2.5mg a day. Had my first counselling session as well, and I am getting lots of fresh air and exercise every day.

20-08-10, 09:59
I am on and off on cipralex for 3 years now and for me worked perfect. Of course I haven't tried anything else because I was lucky with the first to work for me. I didn't face any side effects so for me is the best anti depressant. You need to know that if one med has worked for you once it is very rare not to work again for you. So the changes are not always good. Try to stay on the med which has worked for you in the past. We create the though that it might not work again. It will....it always does

26-11-10, 15:46
im on flouxetine and its work alot as i was haveing panic attack nearly daily and was very anxtious, and since takieng it i havent had a panic attack touch wood and my anxiety is lower but still there and i know its there you just gotta try get on with your day to day life i think =]

26-11-10, 21:29
Im on 10mg cipralex,4mg candesartan and 2.5mg nebivolol have been for 35days now and so far so good,no anxiety no panic and no sides,have previously been up to 170mg daily of amitryptiline didnt hold back the anxiety,60mg daily citalopram was ok for about 6mths, 20mg prozac no good at all,im hopin my latestest combo carries on as its started.One day someone will find a permanent cure for this crappy illness then we will all be free

27-11-10, 10:36
I agree in part with drugs masking the condition and I personally try to do without prescription meds. I do have valium in the cupboard because my anxiety comes on in attacks although I rarely succumb to valium unless the attack is bad. I’m on st Johns Wort, vitamin b complex, lots of exercise, healthy eating/good diet and I am currently seeing a psychologist, plus a resolve to get on with living a normal life by kicking myself up the a&*e regularly :)

28-11-10, 12:33
My GP prescribed Labetalol 200mg 3 times a day! last year for me, I've suffered panic/anxiety for years on and off but after having my last child and the doctors messing up my blood pressure and causing hypertension my panic/anxiety came with back a vengence, It did really terrify me, I was literally holding myself up with a brick wall to affraid to move, my legs where buckling from under me with fear and had my premature newborn baby with me (this was all happeing on the way home from the chemist with my tablets), I had to ring my husband for reassurance and he talked to me on the phone all the way home. Well believe me, I took one of these labetalol as soon as I got home and I thought I was going to die there and then, they knocked me for six, just to get to the kitchen from my living room for babies bottle I was holding furniture, walls and to be honest I crawled back on my hands n knees, was horrible, I perservered with the tablets but they made me feel worse, I don't know if they was too strong or what but it was bad, I came off them and ended up doing without anything as I felt a bit better and was managing to get out and about a bit more then a couple of months ago the panic/anxiety returned but not as bad as that last incident, I have been put on Propranolol 10mg and they did work when I was having palpataions they lowered my heart rate but they do really make me just want to sleep, so obviously this bothers me because I have to look after my little boy who is now 1yr old and found his feet so into everything, he actually triggers my anxiety off! because i'm so scared of him getting hurt but I dunno what to do about the tablets, wether it would be right to just take them when symptoms are severe so they'll calm me, because once calm I don't want to be feeling drowsy all the time if I take them regular when I don't think they are needed? but I do kow this is not the wat to use medication too:huh:

sorry for waffling on!