View Full Version : Anxiety and agression on awakening

20-02-06, 01:24
Recently just about every morning I wake up with lucid dreams and nightmares. I have a very aggressive feeling, like I want to harm someone (I don't of course- it's a 'fight or flight' reaction typical of PTSD or OCD), I then immediately experience fairly intense anxiety because of the aggressive feeling (6 out of 10), consider getting out of bed, but feeling safer in bed remain there. The cycle repeats 2 or 3 times, and generally dissipates fairly quickly after awakening. I am, by the way, on kolopin but this is fairly new.
Appreciate any insights.

20-02-06, 09:55
all part of it philip, actually you seem to no yourself that the flight or fright is taking hold. try not to worry you are not alone