View Full Version : Constant Fear

19-07-10, 11:10
Is this anxiety/depression or something else:

Wake early and a wave of fear wells up and stays inside me all day long. Fear is not specific but because it is there it makes every task seem impossible to face. Fear being left alone but also of being with people. Just fear of living. Depressive now because of the fear. Other symptoms:
- Very sleepy, drop off and wake terrified
- Shaking all the time
- Sometimes get acid/electric charge feeling in arms
- sometimes get cold sweat
- back pains, chest pains
- sometimes eases in the evening but strikes again in the morning

Thank You

Veronica H
19-07-10, 13:14
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us. This definitely sounds like Anxiety, but it is important that you see your GP for a diagnosis, in order to rule out other illness.


19-07-10, 13:44
i have had all of these ,,but always best to check

german bean
19-07-10, 18:13
i have all these symptoms waking in the morning with a rush of fear through your body the slightest sound makes me jump. it is anxiety but i think the problem can be it can lead to depression. uou should go to your doctor. it will go in time i know thats not want you want to hear right now because you want it gone now. i hope it gets easier for you soon.

19-07-10, 18:24
Thanks for replies, i am not alone!

It seems to take so long to improve.

german bean
19-07-10, 19:01
Hi again David you didnt say ho long you have felt like this and was it anything specific that set it off for you i know alot of the time it isnt but for me it was so sometimes that helps in away to know.

19-07-10, 20:44
Constant fear, confusion, derealisAtion nd depersonalisation that's whY I am having foe the 2nd day. I had that last time few month ago. I suffer from GAD for 5y.

20-07-10, 15:14
Hi, started at the beginning of March, I was overdoing things at work and at church and at home. Everyone said 'slow down' but I just sped up. Finally seemed to crash and all these symptoms came. It is stress related but I've stopped nearly everything now and still feel terrible. Improves slightly in evening then 'wham!' back it comes in the morning.

20-07-10, 15:34
It can take some time to return to the same place for me. Can be days or weeks. I just try to see small progress in every day since the attack or the worst day. Last time it all lasted just few days and I forgot about it.

22-07-10, 22:11
Wow! I'm not alone!
Literally just been through this, and still going through it. It's been 3 weeks and I overdid things too much, and my body was like 'woahhh, hang on a minute'. Derealisation and depersonalition is so scary, but I found to get through the worst of things is to just tell yourself 'it will pass' and 'this will go, i can cope with these feelings', 'this is anxiety and depression, i'm not going insane'
The feelings are absolutely horrific, and I feel for you! Just remember to keep up your basic health care and make family and friends aware.
Everyday can seem like such a struggle but set little goals and the sense of achievement will slowly but surely make yourself better.
Even if it's just an improvement of 0.1% of the day before it's still progress to recovery!
Hang in there :)

23-07-10, 13:18
Thanks Alice, my family are taking care of me, I am a very impatient patient. You guys give me hope that it will get better!