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View Full Version : Reassurance needed

19-07-10, 13:03
has anyone found that when there medication dose was upped from 10mg-20mg they had incresed anxiety????, i have been on 10mg of citalapram for 7 weeks and have now had my dose upped to 20mg have been taking 20mg since thurs, but have found myself more anxious with the following symptoms

~ thinking my heartbeat is increased
~ tension around my head and neck all the time
~ weakness in my legs
~ tiredness
~ prickly sensations all over
~ funny taste in my mouth
~ Idigestion
~chest pains (kind of like a shooting bruisy type pain if you know what i mean)

p.s i dont know wether it is just me thinking that the tablets are doing this to me or wether its all anxiety???? PLEASE HELP :weep: