View Full Version : Hannah- Please help

19-07-10, 18:12
Hi, My name is Hannah and I am 15 years old. I have been worrying about many things just recently, well it seems since my friends mum died and it is getting to breaking point because I just want to be normal. At the moment I worry that I am going to kill myself because I worry about everything, I worry that I won't want to live when I do and I think this is because my friends mum killed herself because she was mentally ill. I am supposed to be receiving support from the nurses that go around schools in my area but they don't seem to be doing much and I need some help now really. I have tried some strategies to help like thinking positively but right now I feel like there isn't anything to look forward to and I just feel generally down.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot
Hannah x

19-07-10, 18:14
Hi hannahd2495

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-07-10, 18:20
do your parents know what you are going through,, can you talk to them ,, it is hard when your faced with the loss of someone at a young age ,,but you will be ok ,, i think it might be a good idea to see your gp ,,xxx:hugs:

german bean
19-07-10, 18:23
Hi Hannah im so sorry u r feeling so bad at the moment. have u got another close friend or sister or brother to talk to, if not I know you probably dont want to talk to teachers at school but you could always go to the welfare person in your school and explain how u r feeling and they might be able to help you. I worked in school for many years and i know the welfare lady was very caring and understanding. You havent mentioned your parents so i presume you dont want to talk to them about how you feel. there are lots of people to talk to on this site so do so and feel free to say exactly how you feel and what you are thinking. Take care and if you need to talk im here i have two children one of your age and one of 19.

19-07-10, 18:35
Hi all,

Thanks for your lovely messages. I have spoken to my parents, I tell them everything in fact but they say it's difficult for them to know what to say to help and I understand this. I have been to my GP and all he said was to keep telling myself its ok but when these thoughts are going around in my head it's difficult to do that. I don't really know who to talk to apart from my parents. :(


Hannah x

Ruby Tuesday
19-07-10, 18:46
Hello Hannah

I can fully empathise with how you are feeling. I am sure that the death of your friend's Mum must have come as a huge shock. I lost a friend to suicide 2 years ago.

Hopefully it will help you to 'talk' with people on here. Sometimes it's easier to 'say' things online rather than face-to-face. That's true for me anyway.

19-07-10, 19:44
please go back and see your gp explain how you feel if it gets really bad the samartins are always there 24/7 they will always listen

19-07-10, 23:18
Hannah there are lots and lots of people on this site who will listen to you many of us have gone through the same thing My mother died suddenly when I was 20 and 6 months pregnant so I know how difficult it is to come to terms with I know it's easier said than done but try things to take your mind off it like listening to music or watching TV if this doesn't help go back to your gp and take a parent with you to explain, when I started with depression my hubbie came with me simply cos I couldn't stop crying and he had to tell the doc what was wrong.
Just remember you are not alone shortly you will be able to go into the chatroom and talk to people ther e and there is always someone to talk to for help.
Take care

20-07-10, 17:17
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and tips. They are all greatly appreciated. I will try and take them on board and I can't wait to get on the chat room! :)

Love Hannah x

20-07-10, 19:21
Hi Hannah

Hope you are ok. I just want to explain my experience with extreme low mood because it really started when I was around 15/16.

When I was your age (im 28 now) I felt the first extreme feelings of anxiety, although I'd usually felt a bit low at times before this time on a general level. It was before my mock exams and I found it very difficult to handle and as a result panicked and just wanted to end everything. Although I didn't do anything majorly bad to myself, it was the only time I'd actually sought relief of that kind..to this day I have those reoccuring suicidal thoughts, having suffered from periods severe depression/anxiety, but part of me is keeping me from ever going through with anything to end things. And when I've been back on track with something to motivate me and keep me busy, I've not been thinking like that at all.

But, I keep experiencing these periods and my confidence/self-esteem always takes battering. And I know deep down that the negative thinking and beliefs that I've somehow 'learnt' during my life really stop me from recovering fully.

At your age my parents were worried for me but they didn't truly understand until the last couple of years as to why I was responding the way I was to things. And with your gp, you really to explain that you need to refer to a specialist or centre that can properly address your issues. Cognitive behavioural therapy is an option for you, and you may decide to go temporarily on meds to help to improve your mood which may make it a little more bearable to try to sort out the thoughts that are limiting your view of life.

But please don't suffer alone, because believe me the earlier you deal with this properly, the less time you will spend dwelling as the years pass by.

Gd luck.