View Full Version : Bruises

19-07-10, 20:12
Hello NMP people,

A heavy door fell against the back of my legs this morning and i have some big bruises across my legs, below my knees.
They are very red and black-blue.
Are bruises like this dangerous and can they turn into blood clots.
I'm a little anxious.



19-07-10, 20:14
always best if you bruise.. it will be ok ,,try batyhing with vinegar its so soothing also helps ,sounds like nasty accident

Rachel W
19-07-10, 23:57
Bruising is when the blood has leaked into the flesh, so you wouldn't get blood clots in your veins from them at all. I have often banged myself and had nasty bruises and never had an issue at all. Witch hazel can also be a good remedy, but they will just change colour and then fade in a week or so.

20-07-10, 02:48
I am an avid mountain biker and I can tell you bruises will do you no harm. I have about 10 different bruises on my legs right now from riding and not a single problem. I take one aleve (naproxen) the day it happens and ice it for the night. They seem to not hurt as much the next day when I do that.