View Full Version : Standing up and sitting down - anyone get this?

19-07-10, 20:14
Just recently I noticed that when I sit down my pulse immediately drops in speed and I get a heavy feeling in my chest like I can't breathe. Then a couple of seconds later it goes back to normal.

When I stand up I get the same thing and I often feel lightheaded. I put this down to my blood pressure changing. But not sure about the sitting down and the pulse slowing. Is this normal?

19-07-10, 21:29
Hi there

I suspect that you're getting the heavy feeling in your chest because you're very aware that your pulse drops. We automatically use less energy when we are sitting down so our hearts slow down to compensate for this.

If you get dizziness when you stand up quickly, you could well have blood pressure that is on the low side of normal (there is a huge normal range). I get this myself as I have to take beta-blockers to control migraines, so my blood pressure is generally on the low side of normal.

19-07-10, 22:33
Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify it's when I sit down from standing, not when I'm sitting down IYKWIM.

My bp was 110/70 last time it was checked which isn't particularly low I don't think. But the heavy feeling in my chest makes me feel like I need to take a really big gulp of air.

22-07-10, 13:20
This is still ongoing for me. Anyone else help?

22-07-10, 13:33
does it happen all the time or when you are feeling very uptight about something?... when my stomach is in knots and anxiety strong then I get that heavy chest feeling it is where my feelings are trapped inside of me and guess everything is building up so I feel that real need to take big breathes and and my chest feels tight but this travels to my throat and my stomach is twisted.. it is anxiety... I am not sure that I get the light headedness well I do but this is due to being anemic so guess thats completely different or I simply don't separate the feelings...

22-07-10, 13:35
Happens most of the time. I suppose more when I am thinking about it. Like eg if I think to myself, 'i'm going to sit down now will it happen?' then it does.

22-07-10, 14:11
i get the same feeling when i go from sitting to standing, like a big pressure in my chest and then i can feel my heart beat and feel it speed up. Im pretty sure its to do with your blood pressure compensating for the change from sitting to standing/ standing to sitting. I think once you become aware of something you notice it a lot more. Also my pulse always seems to be doing crazy things, i try not to take my pulse anymore and feel loads better for it. Ive worried about my heart for 6 years now, and for 6 years it has kept going despite all the crazy symptoms and feelings i get!

22-07-10, 14:14
thinking about it, it may also happen when i sit down too! usualy if i have sat down from rushing about

22-07-10, 14:57
When I sit down Mary it is only for about 5 beats, really really really slow. Then it speeds back up again.

22-07-10, 21:11
this is going to sound crazy but i notive it the most when i have been half asleep on the sofa and then i get up and walk upstairs and then sit down on the loo. I get the pressure and then my heart beat goes thud...thud...thud..thud.. and then goes back to normal speed. Im really sure it is to do with your blood pressure regulating after sitting to standing and vice versa. Theres a website called chemical palpitations that a retired dr answers you questions about heart worries, i bet he could explain why it happens? if you cant find website then let me know, i dont know how to put links on though ha ha :blush:

22-07-10, 21:58
The dr. mentioned is RLR and I have occasionally seen him on this site, but is a regular on the chemical palps. site. I can put the link on if it is an accepted thing to do on NMP. I don't want to overstep any boundaries.