View Full Version : Hello New here..(PTSD, Health Anxiety)

19-07-10, 20:50
I'm 31 years old, retired on medical grounds PTSD from the army 3 years ago. I have suffered panic attacks periodically since then, however recently my anxiety has found something to latch onto. I am constantly worrying about my health mainly my heart. I have regular skipped/extra beats throughout the day and at night they are ten fold, ectopics my doctor calls them, usually when I'm relaxed its every 5th or 6th beat but when anxious, excited, exercising or after a heavy meal its like every 2nd beat sometimes back to back. I experiance dizzines, chest and arm pain, arm numbness, nausea and when I have these symptoms all at the same time it scares the hell out of me to which I usally phone A&E go for an ECG/Blood tests etc and told I'm fine and that ectopics are common and in most cases harmless which reassures me for a day or so then the cycle begins again. It is ruining my life my friendships and costing me a fortune in travel expenses. Its irrational but the symptoms seem to rationalise my anxiety and I'm having great difficulty overcoming it.

Other than suffering total dread every night I'm a normal guy:wacko:

19-07-10, 20:53
Hi Chris3132

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

19-07-10, 21:19
Hi chris, you are at the right place. Suffering from symptoms of GAD myself at the moment. My first episode was caused by combinTion of emotional traumas as well. I always thought that noone understands the impact arMy has on one. My mam worked for 10y in the army and I saw war myself.

19-07-10, 21:29
All I am trying to do no is a lot of self talk. Like it happenned before, I felt all this already, I have been in ER many times, I felt like dying many times, choking, depressed, loopy, wears, nausea, blank, scared to lose control and everything else but it didn't happen, so it's. A BIG BLUFF. It's sensations, feelings, not reality. I am trying to convince myself in it. Ot helps. I had many stressor for the past months. I almost knew I could relapse.

Vanilla Sky
19-07-10, 22:48
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

Ruby Tuesday
20-07-10, 07:15
Blimey Chris, I'd be anxious if I had similar symptoms. I guess it must be a viscous circle really as I suppose the more anxious you become the more frequent/severe the attacks are.

All well and good being told that it's not an unusual condition but when someone is scared witless it's not so easy to remain calm !!

Cazza 7
20-07-10, 21:48
Hi & welcome,

Caroline here..Cazza 7
I am so glad you joined us its a great site...i have gad ...my health i thought i had cancer after a stressful period in my life every little ailment
i feared my gp hospital appt didnt eat sleep , got made redundant ..the list was endless
gp sent me for counselling it helped for a bit
now on on meds..citrapram 10mg started in may this year im loads better,
Anxiety was yuch i had every symptom going u name it i had it
Write soon u will get better


21-07-10, 00:03

Thankyou everybody for the welcome messages and comments its a comfort to know there are people in the world who understand what were going through :bighug1:

21-07-10, 00:26
Hi im Nicky and new to this site looks like it could be very helpful. I have been suffering with panic attacks and anxiety for the past 4 weeks (happened 9 years ago and i got better) shame it had to come back and with avengence. I feel like i have lost site of reality (derealisation) and have irrational thoughts of life and death. I have been taking lofepramine 140mg a day for 3 weeks i feel they are helping by taking away the physical feelings when in panic which really helps to calm me down quicker. I am also trying alternative therapy called NLP which is great and i feel its realy helping. I still have anxiety daily and feel so alone at times as if no one else really understands what im exactly going through and I do feel like i will be like this forever.