View Full Version : Losing my mind?

19-07-10, 21:59
Just wondering if there's anyone else out there whose GAD is getting so bad that they actually begin to doubt their own sanity? Smaller and smaller things set me off and at times my head just spins under the constant onslaught and I feel like I should be locked away in a padded cell for everyones' good. What sort of things set me off? Here's an example from yesterday:

Went to put my keys etc away in my drawer and noticed my car keys were already there. Five minutes previously I'd been loading rubbish into the car, so how did I unlock it if the keys were here in the drawer? Was this some kind of supernatural phenomenon? Had I put the keys back myself and completely forgotten? Was this the beginning of a brain tumour or early-onset Alzheimers? And now there's a vein on the side of my head which seems more prominent, feeding the tumour obviously. The logical side of my mind tells me that it's more likely I left the car unlocked earlier when I came home and put the keys away automatically without even thinking about it. The other side however is screaming 'BRAIN TUMOUR!' at the top of its' voice. The result is another crap day and a feeling that there's no let-up or respite from these episodes now and my sanity can only take so much. Part of me could almost enjoy being locked up, if only for the peace, but always always there's the kids to think of.

Please don't laugh, it's a weird sounding one I know, but it's genuine and I wonder if there's anyone else out there who experiences things at this level and actually has ended up sectioned.

19-07-10, 22:20
Hav the same example. Took my medication for 4 hrs. Didn't take for the past 2/3 mnths. Hav small relapse now. Decided to take tab tonight. Panicking more then of anxiety. Scared to take the tab that was helping me along... Weard - one explanation - anxiety .trying to talk myseslf out of it.