View Full Version : Really anxious - please help

20-07-10, 05:00
Hi I have been using vicks nasel spray as I hav a blocked nose and is it normal that when u inhale it that you can taste it in your throat? And now I am really scared coz my throat burns? Is this normal? Is it serious?

Please reply ASAP
love louise xxxx

20-07-10, 08:58
Hi Louise

As far as I can remember, Vicks nasal spray contains menthol, so that will often sting your nose and throat a bit. Your nose and throat are connected up inside, so when you inhale something, it does eventually end up in your throat. It sounds pretty normal to me - just make sure you're not using more than the dosage on the packet.

20-07-10, 09:36
I wouldn worry unless it stays for a very long time. Mint menthol ust be giving tingling.

20-07-10, 12:58
I use a nasal spray and it does get into the back of my throat after a few seconds. The nasal passage and your throat are all connected, so its ok^^

20-07-10, 13:14
it can do this why dont you gargle with warm water it will help