View Full Version : 5 weeks on Citalopram - massive turn for the worse - please some advice...

20-07-10, 10:11
Hi all,

I've been on Citalopram for 5 weeks now. 1 week at 10mg, 1 week at 20mg, and last 3 weeks on 30mg.

Problem is, over the past 2 days, I've taken a huge turn for the worse. I couldn't really sleep Sunday night, got to sleep eventually, but woke up several times with "body jolts", and that horrible feeling of cold across the brain, that left me in a pool of sweat and confusion. I woke up yesterday and for the first time ever in my history of anxiety, I wasn't able to get out of bed, very depressed, derealisation, depersonalisation, no energy, weak muscles.

I sat on the sofa all day yesterday feeling guilty about not going to work and telling myself I just need some rest. But last night in bed was even worse - terrible confusion, not able to sleep, feeling of someone reaching into my brain and holding their fist over it, suffocating it. It seems every time I begin to drift off to sleep a huge wave of anxiety comes over me, my brain goes cold, I get shooting sensations of energy all over my body, my limbs go numb, I feel like I’m going to go insane.

This is easily the worst I've EVER felt with this condition, right at the time I would expect to start to feel a little better. I've been on Citalopram before, and basically as soon as I got to my effective dose (which last time was 40mg) I felt massively better. It’s all fuelling the fire that there is something very seriously neurologically wrong with me. I feel different this time, more desperate, less able to just get up and keep going like I used to be able to. I’m on my second sick day from work, and in five years of this horrific condition I have NEVER had a sick day with it before. My ability to keep going and support myself is hugely important to me, without it I’ve literally lost everything.

Could it perhaps be anything to do with the cocktail of different supplements I am taking? As well as the cit I am taking a high strength Omega 3, a multi-vitamin, a magnesium supplement, a B-complex supplement. I have read that these should all be safe though?

Is this normal after being on the meds for 5 weeks? If they were going to work wouldn’t they have done so by now? Or do I need to be on the high, effective, dose for more than 3 weeks to see any difference? Do I need to just stick this out, trust in the meds, keep going? Or is this proof that they are not working for me?

Thanks for any experience or thoughts you might be able to offer.


20-07-10, 10:21
Gareth, the night you discribed = was exacly the night i had last night.

It was so surreal, every time i was closing eyes, I knew i was falling asleep but i couldnt, then tremor, then flashes, racing thoughts, all together, then bathroom every 20 min. My stomach got empty for the past 2 days totally.

I also feel guilt now, shame...and sitting at work being totally useless.

But I have done few bits though which is a huge achievement.

I went on and off the meetings and read some posts in breaks and going back to the meeting tried to excersise the advices. I tried to keep saying - ok bring it on...and etc...the only thing is i feel so exausted, slow and confused.
New one always feels worse then the one before...

the settlement period for the medications can be anything, months and even years. For me years. I think they help in small dozes. Small support.

I dont feel alone now.

20-07-10, 11:49
Any other Citalopram users have any thoughts on this, please?

22-07-10, 14:14
Hi Gareth, sounds very unpleasant for you. Have you seen your GP about this? Is it worth reducing the dosage slightly - perhaps try 25mg? See if that helps? I would guess that just because your working dosage last time was 40mg doesn't mean that is will be the same this time.
I'm currently on 20mg and wondering if it is too high - I felt much better on 15mg, although even on 20mg feel much better than not taking it at all. I try to tell myself on the bad days when I feel what is the point in taking them at all, that in general I am still having some much better days than when I wasn't taking them at all. So overall is it still worth it.

Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? Go for a short walk? Read? Play a game? Get some friends over for some food (get them to bring it ;-) Or just some simple task like mend that broken cup you have been meaning to for years.

All the best