View Full Version : Eye question. In need of some re-assurance please...

Natalie x
20-07-10, 11:21
Hi. I'm back again! Was doing so well with my health anxiety and then BOOM, here I am again - it takes one thing to make your mind spiral into worry. Last Wednesday, my eyeball started to feel sore when I moved it and then when I was taking my make up off I noticed that there was a red bump on my eyelid and it looked a bit puffy. My Mum thought that it may be a sty, so next day I went to the chemist and the pharmacist as it was sore and puffy said that it may be an internal one and to go to my doctor. I couldn't get an appointment, so I just kept bathign it with salty water. The puffyness has gone down and my eye doesn't hurt half as much as it did last week, but this morning I kept touchign my eyelid and I've convinced myself that my left eyeball is bigger than the right one. I know that it probably sounds ridiculous, but I'm really worried that it's a tumor or something. I'm going out of my mind with worry. Please can anyone re-assure me? Thanks and sorry for the long post.

20-07-10, 11:28
i the swelling and redness has gone it must have been external ,one thing you shouldnt do is keep touching it ,as this will iratate your eye plus our fingers carry germs ,, xxxx

20-07-10, 12:44
Hi Natalie

Definitely don't keep prodding your eyes! :)

Also, we often have bits of our bodies that are unequal - we're not very symmetrical. Most of us ladies have one boob bigger than the other, for a start, but that's completely normal.

Natalie x
20-07-10, 12:51
Thanks for your replies. I just get myself into a right state sometimes - you both probably know what it's like. Do you think that this is nothing to worry about? I really hope so! Any advice on how to take my mind off it?

20-07-10, 12:56
Our bodies arent symmetrical anyway, so even if it is slightly bigger thats because are bodies develop that way.

20-07-10, 13:12
stop worrying if you do you will fid your eyes are normal ,, stay strong xx

Natalie x
21-07-10, 09:05
Thanks for your replies guys. Do you think that it's nothing to worry about? I'm still feeling a little anxious :wacko::weep:

21-07-10, 09:42
Nothing to worry about. If your eye doesn't hurt and isn't red, just forget about it.

Natalie x
21-07-10, 12:42
Thanks again for your replies. I am just so scared because my eyeball feels bigger than the other and I'm worried that I have a tumor or something behind my eye! I hope that I'm just being silly. Can anyone re-assure me on this? Thanks

21-07-10, 12:50
hi im prone to stys and it sound exactly the same as me ,you wont have a tumour the more you look at it you think it looks bigger relax you fine we all have bits bigger than the other.xx